Free for life ! KVM storage 1tb hdd for the customer number 100-200-300-400-500-600-700-800-900-999!
I hope some MOD from here to give me the nickname for the customer number 500 (when will be) . I will gift 1 kvm vps for life .
Speck :
1 core
1 gb ram
1 tb hdd raid 6 or 60
10tb/mo traffic (1 gbps port speed shared)
1 ipv4
located in Romania.
EDIT : give away only one vps is not for cociu , so i edited my thread offer. I hope the mods will play with this because i cannot know this details.
The winers will be posted here and we will deliver the vps after we get this details.
Enjoy !
This discussion has been closed.
how to claim?
oop i'm a blind idiot with no eyes
No need , when we will have 500 users in LES some op i hope will give me the nickname and i will release , also we will publish here the winner.
That's a very nice gesture of you @cociu
i pulsed more because give one is too less ...
This is why everybody likes @cociu
@AnthonySmith We've got some @cociu love. I think we have less than 200 now, so who is the lucky number 100?
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@cociu, I didn't know you very well before in LET, but now I see why everyone loves you. Great offer man. Keep it up. - Server admins cheat codes
now i am shy
I feel confused, can someone explain it to me?
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I am opened to give free lifetime kvm for each user what was join here with the number 100-200 etc .. so if you are opened to provide the nicknames for this customers i am opened to give this gift
Ooooh right sorry, yes I can do that, stand by.
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@cociu @AnthonySmith This should be interesting
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@cociu funny coincidence, my 100th "thanks" here was from you.
Thanks bro!
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
First user that accidentally has the word "limp" in their username gets a free server too, right?
^ Give Ant some (more) coffee. :-D had no interest.
Congratulations @Razza for being 100!
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I always need freebies, 'cos I'm.. had no interest.
What's the membership count now?
Deals and Reviews: LowEndBoxes Review | Avoid dodgy providers with The LEBRE Whitelist | Free hosting (with conditions): Evolution-Host, NanoKVM, FreeMach, ServedEZ | Get expert copyediting and copywriting help at The Write Flow
135 142
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@Razza please pm with your details , like name , email . We will provide your gift and congrats !
so the second prize will came fast , great.
@AnthonySmith - might be a good move to put a captcha on that signup form before the affiliate bloggers and bots start to swarm .... (or is there already one in place - I don't remember)
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Now people are timing their 2nd bogus account creation
For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars!
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already in place
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No good deed shall go unpunished!
But I think between @AnthonySmith and @cociu they should be able to keep any bullshit signups down to a dull roar.
This ain't their first rodeo ...
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Hi, Customer number 999 here. Was someone looking for me?
..... i am sure @AnthonySmith have many work to keep this forum clean ... so i will get it like a joke and i will flag it ... (maybe will be the first flag here)
Fwiw, vanilla lets you pass an index number when viewing a profile.
#100 -
#500 -
The part after the index doesn't matter
Humble janitor of LES
Proud papa of YABS
That does not take in to account all the bollocks accounts I made when testing stuff though sadly
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