Western EU providers with Ryzen/Epyc VM's

debaserdebaser OG
edited February 2020 in Requests

I'm looking for a new VM in Western Europe (BeNeLux or UK, no DE as I have more than enough VM's in DE) to host some sites with ApisCP.

Given the recent bugs in Intel cpu's I'm specifically looking for providers that offer a VPS on Epyc or Ryzen. As this is a bit hard to find (sites like Serverhunter are either not up to date or have no information about the cpu) I'm turning to the crowd for wisdom ;) .

2 cores (fair share)
30GB SSD storage (NVMe is a plus)
Bandwith not really an issue, but lets say 500G+

Budget <7 EUR

Edit: of course the nice offer by @gleert is already on the maybe pile.


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