Intel x86 root of trust compromised [Unfixable intel vulnerability]
The music never stops.
The music never stops.
Wow, if I am reading that right then, intel is literally on borrowed time and not much of it, that will be devastating.
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I find the current AMD position in the mid size server market insane.
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Do you think that will change and if so over what period of time?
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I think it will, but definitely not in the short term, I'd say at minimum 3 years from now. If it doesn't I'll be shocked they aren't picking up money thrown at them.
Clouvider Limited - True HA KVM OnApp VPS from £9.50/m - Our LES Exclusive Unmetered Dedicated Server Offers
I was thinking (hoping) that might accelerate with the news in the OP.
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This is my dream.
But realistically, before the first Dense Epyc platforms came to market after the CPU was released - there was about a year gap. Even if they released everything today, it wouldn’t be something you can buy in a mainstream DC this year.
Clouvider Limited - True HA KVM OnApp VPS from £9.50/m - Our LES Exclusive Unmetered Dedicated Server Offers
Is Dense Epyc a specific product / technology? I couldn't find anything with web search. It is definitely possible to get current-gen Epyc servers for data centers. E.g., the Hetzner AX161 uses the Epyc 7502P.
I'm more curious about how Hetzner and basically everyone else have managed to rack up their Ryzens. I keep hearing about how they are desktop CPUs and there are shitty mobos blah blah and it can't be done, but it's being done?
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People that are after Intel Xeon E or older won’t pay for Epyc 7502P.
Clouvider Limited - True HA KVM OnApp VPS from £9.50/m - Our LES Exclusive Unmetered Dedicated Server Offers
Hetzner uses a lot of desktop cpus in custom enclosures, but they also have server cpus such as the Epyc. If you compare the EX line (i7 desktop cpus) with the PX line (Xeons whose bare cpu cost is roughly the same), the PX line is considerably more expensive than the configuration difference alone really supports. Part of that is probably just higher margins, but part might be more serious packaging and higher predicted power draw.
[added] Oh you mean in low end VPS hosting. Yeah, as long as there is cheap power available to keep those old Xeons running, they will stay online. It's surprising that anyone can afford to do that in this day and age though.
I’m not talking about Intel Xeon E55XX.. I’m talking about Coffee Lake...
And so it stands People that are after Intel Xeon E or older won’t pay for Epyc 7502P.
Clouvider Limited - True HA KVM OnApp VPS from £9.50/m - Our LES Exclusive Unmetered Dedicated Server Offers
Why would they? That's like comparing apples and oranges. The EPYC has a slower clock, so those people would buy a Ryzen for much better performance and much lower price, not the EPYC 7502P.
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i still uses plenty of intel L5420 (the one you mod it so you can put it in 755 socket with G41 chipset). should i be worried
I repeat myself: Intel is the new Apple
Yes, be afraid. Be very afraid and welcome your new red team overlords.
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
funny because i've been saving for a while for Ryzen 7 3800X system, now i just have to wait a bit more to buy my last parts: RAM
i wish they have APU for zen2 (not so soon apparently)