ewwy **GUI** gopher guts? remote desktop? yet another Panel?
Several of the users of my free unprivileged LXC powered VPSes[1] have broken their VPSes when trying to install a GUI.
There are two categories of GUIs which are wanted. A few people want a remote desktop. Other people want a control panel which will launch a stack, a framework, and maybe something else too.
Breakage sometimes includes sshd, which can be removed and masked even as the GUI install exits successfully. Or a bunch of errors in the install while also breaking sshd.
Can anybody please suggest a remote desktop or a control panel which can be installed cleanly by a remote user inside an unprivileged LXC container on both Red Hat derived and Debian derived systems without breaking ssh? And without increasing the level of privilege of the LXC containers?
Finally, it seems I am missing something about configuring the package systems. The package systems seem to be unaware that they are operating inside an unprivileged LXC container.
Thanks everybody! Have a great day!
@david @Iroshan464 @MohamadSY @quangthang @gwndilshan1989
[1] https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/786/ides-of-march-free-vps
Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!
I would take a look at logs before anything else
Stay safe and healthy. Donate to the WFP.
I'd set proper climits, and ensure there's not enough RAM to run a desktop; the last thing you want are clickbots and twitterfeeders. I still have jerks trying to use Firefox in 128MB of RAM. Sorry, it just isn't going to work.
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
I remembered when on LET, one member who doesn't like GUI is likely you Tom
i was never a fan of GUI or control panel (webuzo, plesk, or cpanel you call it) in unmanaged server environment, or if it's a ssh accessible environment.
installing python for curses (https://docs.python.org/3/howto/curses.html) is a hassle too, so just use bash one;
Ansible is also a good friend if you're doing something identical over and over again https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/intro_getting_started.html
of course this doesn't answer what this thread asked, i'm just wasting anthony's hosting space