[Spry Servers] NVMe and Block Storage Coming Soon!

New products on the horizon!
In the coming weeks, we'll be launching two new exciting products: NVMe VPS and Block Storage as a service. BSaaS?
Our new RAID-10 NVMe virtual servers will be perfect for those I/O intensive applications, such as SQL, Redis, etc. We plan on launching this service by the end of this week, or the beginning to middle of next week.
The new block storage will be sold as an add-on to any of our dedicated servers, VPS or colocation services. The block storage is powered by HGST HelioSeal SAS drives in a mirrored ZFS configuration. (RAID-10 equivalent) It will be a perfect way to add some inexpensive extra storage to your servers. This service is planned to be launched as soon as our developers have completed our billing module. We're hoping to have this service launched within the next 3-4 weeks.
Keep your eyes open for announcements and product launch sales!
*Please note, initially these products will only be available in Phoenix, AZ.
Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)
Do you have a looking glass for Phoenix? Or is it a DC we are already familiar with?
I'm starting to evaluate Phoenix as an alternate for Dallas for DR planning.
Here you go: https://lg.phx1.spryservers.net/
It's the Aligned Energy DC. It's a huge facility, but I don't think there are too many other "hosting" providers in there, so I'm not sure if you'd be familiar.
We can definitely help you out with DR planning, whether it's servers, colo or just plain network storage.
Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)
Benchmark teaser for new VPS line:
Since the iPerf tests are all to far away locations:
Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)
Full disclosure: The above is with a couple SAS SSDs I'm using to test out, as the NVMe drives haven't come in yet. NVMe should be faster.
Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)
Very respectable IOPS. Hardware raid?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
depend on the pricing, I might take one
Yeah that's actually just a HW RAID-1 of SAS SSDs. I'm actually really forward to seeing the nvme in RAID
Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)
RAID 1? even more respectable. dont know how it works but it seems to be very well optimized IOPS
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Tbh, not sure why it's so high either. They're HGST 12G SAS SSDs, my first time using these particular ones. I had them sitting around for awhile, and decided to use them for boot disks for this Hypervisor. (And created a small lvm volume group to play around with VMs) Though it's also a decent RAID controller. (PERC 730)
Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)
I have had a VPS with Tab for over an year in TX and it has been nothing but stable. Great company to be working with!
Initial plans and pricing released (Standard pricing, not special. Will have a sale when we launch. (Hopefully tonight!):
(Not all are low-end prices, I'm just posting this for information only)
ALL plans come with:
We will be adding a flexible/scalable package in the future similar to our "Flex SSD VPS"
Tab Fitts | Founder/CEO - Spry Servers
SSD Shared Hosting || VPS || Dedicated Servers || Network Status || PHX1 LG || DAL1 LG || || AS398646 || 1-844-799-HOST (4678)