Simple, free monitoring tool?

foxonefoxone OG
edited November 2019 in Requests

I'm looking for a simple self-hosted monitoring tool that would let me see CPU, Network, Disk usage and similar stuff. An absolute requirement is that it needs to be self-contained and use low resources (gonna run it on LowEndSpirit instances).

So far i've tried:



  • Very easy to install and use out of the box
  • Self contained, no need for databases or other stuff
  • Can aggregate multiple servers together


  • Not exactly "lightweight"
  • Homepage is too confusing, it looked like a tutorial on how to read graphs rather than a simple dashboard
  • The self installer pulls in a lot of garbage and pretty much takes over your entire system by putting files everywhere and being too much "magic" for my tastes



  • Very lightweight
  • Only one binary file and a "/etc/monitrc" configuration
  • Can very easily check running daemons and restart them / send alerts / do stuff automatically


  • There is barely a CPU meter, and no graphs.
  • Aggregating multiple servers needs a license for M/Monit

Is there something else I should try?


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