The ultimate Lowend Spirit BF/CM Mayhem: Free Free and more Free. Big Dollah giveaway.

Was I the only one who thought BF is a bit boring here at LES? Just like me, did you think that we would have a calm and quite black friday? As if we lost the Lowend Spirit ?
Come on LESbians!

What do we have here?

**OH YEAH!! We got some free giveaways! **
The following providers below are giving away (Yeap, literally giving away), free service credits to no other but you.
Let's see who is giving away what:
- Daddy LESBian @AnthonySmith - (Inception Hosting) - €250 Service Credit (5 x €50)
- NAT KING @mikho - (Mr.VM) - 50% of the clients service cost (all services included). 10 x 50% discount (one time)
- That one dude @SpryServers_Tab - (Spry Servers) - $250 ($5x$50)
- Resident geek @wdmg - (Geek Solutions): 2x$50, 1x$100 service credit.
- Your local meme lord @seriesn - (Nexus Bytes ): 5 x $50 service credit.
If you do not see your favorite web hosting provider in this list, it is more then likely either they didn't chose to participate or might have forgotten to join or @AnthonySmith didn't spam them hard enough.
Guess what dear hot, handsome/beautify sexy hosting providers, you can still join!! Please slide into my DM and I gotchu fam! Your name will be added in no time!! Can't promise any fancy titles though. Last day to join the madness (as a hosting provider) is Saturday the 28th, 11:59 PM (EDT)
Like seriously my hosting coalas, please enter! Love only increases when you give. Free year of service, 50% service credit for the first month, limited qty, everything is welcome!

Alright. Enough talk. How do I win? How do I get the free stuff?
Rules are simple and super fair!!
You must have purchased at least 1 valid "Paid" service from the above mentioned web hosts within the following time frame
- November 26th (12 AM) to November 30th, (11:59 PM) EDT
Comment below this post with the followings:
- Name of the Hosting provider
- Order No.
1 comment/response per entry. Want to enter multiple time? Comment away!!
- Last day and time to enter: November 30th, 11:59 PM EDT.
- We will tally up everything on December 1st.
- Winners will be announced on December 2nd and providers will be reaching out to the winners.

- Promo credits don't have any cash value. Don't be a dick and ask for refund after receiving your service credit.
- Don't be a bore. Feel free to spice up your comment with some memes! Unless of course, you know, you don't wanna or feeling lazy.
- How many entries can I have?
- 1 Entry = 1 comment. Multiple entries, multiple comment
- 1 Entry per order, per web hosts.
- If you have multiple orders from the same provider, you may enter multiple time.
- If you have multiple orders from multiple hosts, you may enter multiple time! So yeah. Multiple entries allowed.
- Multiple entry with the same order number will result in automated disqualification.
We got another @AnthonySmith special. If you have ordered from any of our LES hosts (,
Feel free to comment with the order no and host name, to enter for a chance to win $25 service credit, paid by none other than AntGoldFish!
Talk about a generous admin!!
- Am I a poll?54 votes
- Yes.24.07%
- Yes. Maybe. Not sure.75.93%
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Inception Hosting: Invoice 76754
Ant edit:

because I can, I will pop the actual order number in for you: 7152213771 had no interest.
Order number sir!!
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Boss - Allow me to shamelessly asking
What about a new service purchased on 24 Nov but with the invoice due date being 27 Nov (but paid before then)?
by the way - to everyone
Nice addition to the community! Happy Thanksgiving to all too
TensorDock: Hourly Cloud GPUs from $0.32/hour
Hmmmmmmmmmmm. At the hosts discretion I guess? If you have taken a byte, I approve
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Inception Hosting
Yes. With you - Invoice 11960 - London Ryzen 1GB
Thanks boss
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Order number sir. Order number -....-
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Inception Hosting
Inception Hosting 1785649929
VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.
Pffttttt show off.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Not quite- the first image did not render correctly
VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.
*If you know, you know.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
. #noted !
VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.
Order Number: 7747477503
This space intentionally left blank
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
This space intentionally left blank
DC's cuzin?
VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.
Nexus Right!
Professor Pizzaviour!
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Order Number: 4440714747
Soo, does liteserver counts?
Order number : 7357191771
Host : Our beloved LiteServer