I already have Anthony's $8 UK vps.
I want to use it mainly as a second VPN for redundancy. The instance will mostly idle so cheaper the better.
@cam Do you have any stock for LittleVZ in UK?
Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/
Oops, didn't post the link: https://hosting.gullo.me/black-friday
I'm not sure whether the discounts still apply.
@Brueggus said: Oops, didn't post the link: https://hosting.gullo.me/black-friday I'm not sure whether the discounts still apply.
@Brueggus said: Oops, didn't post the link: https://hosting.gullo.me/black-friday
It shows $12 now
@raza19 said: I already have Anthony's $8 UK vps. I want to use it mainly as a second VPN for redundancy. The instance will mostly idle so cheaper the better.
@raza19 said: I already have Anthony's $8 UK vps.
Use the promo code on this post, It brings it down to $8/year https://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/167571/gullos-hosting-littlevz-the-dirt-cheap-vps-in-the-uk
@cam Do you have any stock for LittleVZ in UK?
Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/
Oops, didn't post the link: https://hosting.gullo.me/black-friday
I'm not sure whether the discounts still apply.
Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/
It shows $12 now
Use the promo code on this post, It brings it down to $8/year