An honest review of extraordinary providers

I've been planning on writing a nice review for @seriesn's NexusBytes for a while. They are offering a very good, performant and stable service. And when there was some hardware issue, it was promptly fixed, and I ended up with an even better deal. Not to mention Jay's friendly service and helpful support. And it's also amazing how he values existing customers (family), giving access to new perks/addons and favorable pricing. Outstanding! <3
Great host offering good prices and quality service in good locations. Feel free to signup using my NexusBytes B)

When that's written, I also feel like praising a few other great providers:

MXroute's services provide excellent value for money, unrivaled quality email for low prices. Been using MXroute for some years now, and all my previous worries from using shared web hosting's included email hosting have vanished. And @jarland's been very helpful numerous times, so much that I purposefully hang around in the support chat to try to help out when I'm able to. :+1:

Inception Hosting and @AnthonySmith has also been great. I have had rock stable services at great prices. As my needs changed, Anthony helped me out, and for my use, the UK Clouvider location is just perfect (great connectivity)! Inception Hosting

For shared web hosting I should also mention @MikePT's offerings. Great performing and stable shared and reseller web services by ( I've also gotten great and quick support for the few, small issues that surfaced. Recommended! :)

Honorable mentions: @mikho's and Gullo's Hosting by @cam! :)

I just realized the title might give association with more critical reviews. But this really is my honest opinion. All hosts have technical issues every now and then, but with these, I feel I've been so well taken care of, and issues have been sorted quickly.

(As for critical/more angry reviews, I try not to write those when I'm angry, as my anger clouds my judgements. And I don't feel I need to warn of any of my bad experiences right now.) :)


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