- the free for all workspace

Got this tip when I was looking for an cloud alternative for evernote.
According to their webpage, it replaces products as Confluence, Github Wiki, Trello, Asana, Jira, Google docs and Evernote.
Anyone used it? It is free for personal use. Which indeed will save me a couple of dollars on Evernote and other software.
I have very recently started using it to store tutorials URL and create a go-to place for some repetitive basic server tasks, the product is very extensive in its features and while I am only using it as a digital notebook as of now, there are plenty of content creators who swear by and use Notion to manage their workflow.
For e.g.
I've been using it for a while, so far so good!
Haven't really found the perfect setup yet.
It can get overwhelming as there's so much you can do with it, plus tons of templates and different ways to do things.
I'm using their web app since they don't have a Linux app (Only Mac and Windows), though they do have apps for Android and iOS, which I haven't tried yet.
They bought domain and they said they will start using it soon AFAIR.
Check out r/notion, great community and you can find a lot of resources, tutorials and templates.
P.S. You get a premium account for free if you signup using an edu email.
It does kind of everything, but it does nothing exceptionally well. However, it really depends on what you want to do with it.
I'm currently using it to keep track of my projects, linux commands and some notes. From time to time I use it for some basic budgeting and task management (supplementary to Excel and Things).
It cannot replace Evernote for me, simply because they are superior in archiving notes and webpages.
@Naix @Mew Do you have any idea how it compares to OneNote?
I'm very basic in my usage of Evernote, it is basically a notebook where I add random notes of things done to remember them next time.
It really depends on the usecase. Like for example; the app of Notion is super unresponsive and has quite a lot of bugs. So if you plan to take notes on a tablet with it or even handwritten notes, One Note wins hands down. I’m not sure about workflows and projectmanagement in One Note, because I’ve not used it for that purpose.
No idea, I don't use OneNote.
If notes is all you need, then I'd recommend StandardNotes.
Yep, it's pretty cool - at FluidStack, we kinda use it as our internal knowledgebase + task tracking board.
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+1 to this. It's very lightweight compared to Evernote plus it has the ability to automatically back up your notes to Dropbox.
I use it together with Evernote, with the latter for archiving notes that contains images and for PDF files.
Can we get the data if leave them because that is not a hosted product.
I use notion for almost everything!
planning projects,
writing notes
blog post drafts
saving logins
life goals.
you can do much more like hosting your blog from notion.
notion is one of the products i am really excited using about.
if one is not using notion, definitely they should spend their time on it
real power of notion lies in their template system
this is a small preview of my notion
i keep notion opened as much as chrome!
they have options to export
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Notion is pretty cool but I use Dropbox Paper (since I already have a dropbox account)
saves and syncs using DROPBOX
Some years ago I had published a post on Medium about note taking apps.
Working on an update to it. The market seems to have exploded, with over 35 apps and sites that I can list down :-)
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I tried it and enjoyed it, but it’s not compatible with my job privacy-wise, unfortunately. Besides that, my biggest gripe is close to zero offline usage support.
I’m now using for notes, drafts, and knowledge management. It’s self-hosted. Project management is also in there supported by
To the best of my knowledge, Notion doesn't have a way to export data nor an API. One group of colleagues has started using it and they're slowly beginning to realize that all the data they added is stuck there.
Good point. I will need to rethink to use it for my work.
Open Notion
Go to “Settings & Members” in the left panel
Click on “Settings” to bring up the Settings page
Click on “Export All Workspace Content”
Select the export format
Exporting will start, when complete, select where to save exported files and click “Save”
ThemeForest Profile
Yes, I can also attest that you can take out data from Notion. Have done this in the past.
I am still not comfortable with my plaintext notes/journal being on a machine/service I don't physically control.
I use Zim wiki. I can literally just sync/backup/transform/re-render the zim folder containing the (plaintex) zim-markup any way I want.
The Unix-way.
Remember, #shitHappens
Hearing about notion more & more.
I've been burned by proprietary note taking systems before though. The vendor lock in is off the charts if all your knowledge is on it
Busy moving towards a git/md/obsidian combo
I spent a couple of hours playing around with Simplenote (again) this morning and I am impressed.
Only Zoho notes comes this close IMO
The seamless integration across devices, ability to share (and unshare) a note publicly and import/export of notes as text documents, json, etc. is great. iosApp, Mac App, web browser all work seamlessly. Dark mode helps.
Too bad this is a free product. I would have happily paid for it.
VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.
Oh, when did it become free? It used to be a pay to avoid ads service, unless you bought plus/premium before that (like I did).
Paid plans for Simplenote?
VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.
As I recall, they switched to a subscription to avoid ads (at least on iOS), but those who had already purchased Pro/something stayed ad-free ... (But I haven't paid attention for quite a few years, service works great still.)
I started compiling a list of note taking apps to update my old post from 2016.
I decided to use Nimbus Notes for this list.
To Do :
I might keep updating the list in days to come and post here
VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.
Seems simplenote is owned by Automattic, wordpress .com owner.
Simplenote is a free service provided by your friends at Automattic.
For short notes, I use tiddlywiki and push to github; For long documents, I use, once I complete the writing, I will copy the whole makedown and hexo it.
Action and Reaction in history
I’m a Confluence user and so used to how it works. Page includes, reports.
Haven’t found a similar solution now that they announced that they focus on their SaaS solution.
Only downside I found using StandardNote is that dark mode is a paid feature and I do like dark mode on my writing apps...