I am looking for a vps info management panel! any suggestions ?



  • Lots of free note taking apps. AlephNote and QOwnNotes also worth a look.

    We're not gonna get rid of anybody. We're gonna stick together, just like it used to be. When you side with a man, you stay with him. And if you can't do that, you're like some animal, you're finished. We're finished. All of us.

  • HxxxHxxx OG
    edited December 2020

    Create a database on MySQL / MariaDB.
    Install Laravel PHP Framework and then install Voyager ("the missing laravel admin").
    Define a table using Voyager with the fields you need, follow your Excel logic. One row one server.

    Then add some BREAD using Voyager.

    Now... basically you have your custom APP with little effort and with full management UI.

    Thanked by (1)vimalware
  • @ehab said:
    i have been using excel for years .. but now grouping vps becomes harder when 1 vps can be for ( storage, iscsi , s3 ) and in another app group it has docker with ( privoxy, promethus ) so on... billing info i can live with excel but when it comes to application/usage booking it becomes hard.

    I feel that if you can design a RDBMS schema for this application , you can accomplish the same in a Google sheet/excel.

    Personally, VPS sheet schema is always improving.
    My favourite new feature is highlighting idlers in red and Well-utilized ones in blue.

    I don't want to have to worry about another app's maintenance for something I use once/twice a month ( to remove emotion from my decision-making)

  • Maybe just some tag based notes system?
    Markdown/Taskpaper kinda thing, SimpleNote or maybe something nifty like the JS app they use for notes.apiscp.com ... :)

  • @vimalware said:

    @ehab said:
    i have been using excel for years .. but now grouping vps becomes harder when 1 vps can be for ( storage, iscsi , s3 ) and in another app group it has docker with ( privoxy, promethus ) so on... billing info i can live with excel but when it comes to application/usage booking it becomes hard.

    I feel that if you can design a RDBMS schema for this application , you can accomplish the same in a Google sheet/excel.

    Personally, VPS sheet schema is always improving.
    My favourite new feature is highlighting idlers in red and Well-utilized ones in blue.

    I don't want to have to worry about another app's maintenance for something I use once/twice a month ( to remove emotion from my decision-making)

    How do you determine between the most idle or not? By last login?

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