Backing up with Duplicati Guide

Hey Guys,

This week I’ve written an article on setting up Duplicati backups, hopefully it will help some of you guys :)

If you haven’t got backups running, you should definitely get some sorted unless you like a bit of data loss!

Best Wishes,

Thanked by (3)ehab skorous wordpress


  • Perhaps draw a little more attention to the fact that you're mounting the source read-only? Just in case someone ever wants to restore something.

  • Thanks @skorous

    You make a very valid point, I'll make an edit to outline this :)

    Thanked by (1)skorous
  • Are there any advantages to running Duplicati over Restic?

  • @cyberhost Nice article, thanks for the writeup! The more people that back up the better.

    @hazzzx said:
    Are there any advantages to running Duplicati over Restic?

    I tried duplicati for a while and decided that restic was better for me. Duplicati ended up with a super long chain of dependent revisions and it made me nervous that if something became corrupt in one revision it would propagate the error all the way down.

    I also just liked restic’s CLI better. And there was a nice docker container for it. :)

    Thanked by (1)hazzzx

    It don’t be like it is until it do.

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