Congratz @Ant, for the selling. @Clouvider is a top-notch hosting company and Dom seem a really nice guy, always polite and professional with clients and LES/LET members. I assume, IH is in a really good state to create interest for Dominic.
On the other hand, don't expect to spend less time with IH, as a Clouvider employee. Inception Hosting is your child and, judging on your behavior, you will not act as a simple employee as long as you are involved there, but much more as still owning the company! So, don't hold your breath on reducing dramatically the 10-12 hours per day on this
BTW, I assume that current plans will remain active and the price on current plans will remain same, on foreseeable future. Have you any clue on this, or this will be examined by the new owner?
• If a program actually fits in memory and has enough disk space, it is guaranteed to crash.
• If such a program has not crashed yet, it is waiting for a critical moment before it crashes.
@jvnadr said: BTW, I assume that current plans will remain active and the price on current plans will remain same, on foreseeable future. Have you any clue on this, or this will be examined by the new owner?
Great news is that we have no plans to change the pricing.
Btw, congrats for the acquisition
Thank you
I hope to still find Ant friendliness at Help Desk
@AnthonySmith is a valuable addition to our team and definitely staying with us, but you will see some more faces in the ticket system
@Clouvider said:
.. but you will see some more faces in the ticket system
u know that there is also @mikho can do with extra time? and a new job
That is true.
The registration papers for my new company was sent to me last week.
Now its time for the paperwork regarding taxes and creating a company account with a bank.
@Clouvider said:
.. but you will see some more faces in the ticket system
u know that there is also @mikho can do with extra time? and a new job
That is true.
The registration papers for my new company was sent to me last week.
Now its time for the paperwork regarding taxes and creating a company account with a bank.
You created a new company? Also hosting related? Did I miss smth :P Good luck!
@Clouvider said:
.. but you will see some more faces in the ticket system
u know that there is also @mikho can do with extra time? and a new job
That is true.
The registration papers for my new company was sent to me last week.
Now its time for the paperwork regarding taxes and creating a company account with a bank.
You created a new company? Also hosting related? Did I miss smth :P Good luck!
Not to hijack this thread, but yes I did.
Will quit my day job on april 9th and be my own in the IT consultant business.
Will keep mrvm and hosting in the other company.
@ehab will actually start working for one of my new clients next week already
OFFTOPIC: @AnthonySmith now that you will have some spare time and vacations, what is it that you want to do when all this settles down in a few weeks time?
@Clouvider said:
.. but you will see some more faces in the ticket system
u know that there is also @mikho can do with extra time? and a new job
That is true.
The registration papers for my new company was sent to me last week.
Now its time for the paperwork regarding taxes and creating a company account with a bank.
You created a new company? Also hosting related? Did I miss smth :P Good luck!
Not to hijack this thread, but yes I did.
Will quit my day job on april 9th and be my own in the IT consultant business.
Will keep mrvm and hosting in the other company.
@ehab will actually start working for one of my new clients next week already
Will the great deals continue?

@Amitz i think its the opposite you should be worried about.
Looking forward to the 6 (Clouvider) locations 128MB NAT Bundle.
Need a free NAT LXC? ->
I am sure they will.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Cheers to that. Nicely positioned, hope it nets you some well deserved rest.
Hate radiates from the source. If you look around and see it everywhere, it's coming from you.
hope there will be some serverception massive rollout!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Congratz @Ant, for the selling. @Clouvider is a top-notch hosting company and Dom seem a really nice guy, always polite and professional with clients and LES/LET members. I assume, IH is in a really good state to create interest for Dominic.
On the other hand, don't expect to spend less time with IH, as a Clouvider employee. Inception Hosting is your child and, judging on your behavior, you will not act as a simple employee as long as you are involved there, but much more as still owning the company! So, don't hold your breath on reducing dramatically the 10-12 hours per day on this
BTW, I assume that current plans will remain active and the price on current plans will remain same, on foreseeable future. Have you any clue on this, or this will be examined by the new owner?
• If a program actually fits in memory and has enough disk space, it is guaranteed to crash.
• If such a program has not crashed yet, it is waiting for a critical moment before it crashes.
Great news is that we have no plans to change the pricing.
Thank you
@AnthonySmith is a valuable addition to our team and definitely staying with us, but you will see some more faces in the ticket system
Clouvider Limited - True HA KVM OnApp VPS from £9.50/m - Our LES Exclusive Unmetered Dedicated Server Offers
u know that there is also @mikho can do with extra time? and a new job
will the great deals continue? ?
When I saw about this in LET, my first impression was like "is it April 1?"
Anyhow it's a cool move by Ant.
Congrats to both @AnthonySmith and @Clouvider
✓✓Only shared hosting-both DA and cPanel Still in 2006
Congratz! All the best
Ympker's Shared/Reseller Hosting Comparison Chart, Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Congratulations @AnthonySmith and @Clouvider and best wishes for the times ahead
VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.
I think this is good news. A reliable provider is acquired by another reliable provider and pricing stays the same (we hope).
So, where are my AMS launch deals at?
That is true.
The registration papers for my new company was sent to me last week.
Now its time for the paperwork regarding taxes and creating a company account with a bank.
tbh I am flat out on the migration work atm so I have not even put the AMS KVM servers in stock yet
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
before you start a sail --- take time to breath ( 2 weeks ) is enough
You created a new company? Also hosting related? Did I miss smth :P Good luck!
Ympker's Shared/Reseller Hosting Comparison Chart, Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Congratulations @Clouvider & @AnthonySmith , this is great!
@AnthonySmith I can imagine you're tired of webhosting as an old fart :P
Not to hijack this thread, but yes I did.
Will quit my day job on april 9th and be my own in the IT consultant business.
Will keep mrvm and hosting in the other company.
@ehab will actually start working for one of my new clients next week already
That's a genuine shock to read this (and then verify it in my mailbox)
Congratulations to @AnthonySmith and @Clouvider
Cheers! much appreciated.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
I'm quite happy with this. It's not a random provider acquiring you, and they already serve 70%+ of the backend as you say.
Best of luck to both companies.
Same as for me, hahaha...
Congrat Anthony
Congratulations, @AnthonySmith, and @Clouvider
OFFTOPIC: @AnthonySmith now that you will have some spare time and vacations, what is it that you want to do when all this settles down in a few weeks time?
No offense, but why does this thread sounds like @Ant and @Clouvideer are getting married?
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
Sounds interesting
Good luck then!
Ympker's Shared/Reseller Hosting Comparison Chart, Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Haha never mind, I can wait. Normal pricing is pretty good either way.