Looking for 4GB ram, 150GB SSD/HDD


I am planning to move parts of my homeserver into a real datacenter. I am running a nextcloud instance, two instances of paperless-ng, a teamspeak server and some other smaller services there.

Looking for something like this:

  • 1-2 CPU cores
  • 4GB ram
  • ~150GB SSD/HDD
  • atleast 2TB traffic
  • location: Europe, prefer either Germany or Netherlands
  • prefer to pay monthly or quarterly
  • well known provider (no summerhosts whatsoever)

For now my best options seem to be Netcup VPS 1000 G9 or Contabo VPS S SSD.

I wasn't able to find any other alternatives in a reasonable price range (< 10 Euro per month).

Thanks guys.


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