Ovh test ips?

Im looking for test ips to ping to check latency on different ovh datacenters, but cannot find anything useful. I can find network status and speedtests and stuff, but i need the ping tests. Does anyone have services with ovh that i can ping?


  • alwyzonalwyzon Hosting Provider
    edited July 2021

    It doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, but it's,,, etc...

    — Michael

    $ mtr -z
    HOST: alwyzon-net-test            Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
     1. AS40994  gw101.leaf1.vie.alw  0.0%    10    3.9   5.2   3.5  11.0   2.2
     2. AS40994  ae0.edge2.vie.alwyz  0.0%    10    1.7   0.7   0.3   1.7   0.6
     3. AS???  0.0%    10    0.8   0.8   0.7   1.0   0.1
     4. AS16276  be106.fra-fr5-sbb2-  0.0%    10   11.7  11.6  11.4  11.8   0.1
     5. AS16276  0.0%    10   14.2  14.2  13.9  15.0   0.4
     6. AS16276  ns31183527.ip-51-91  0.0%    10   14.7  14.8  14.7  14.9   0.1

    Alwyzon - Virtual Servers in Austria starting at 3,99 €/month (excl. VAT)

  • You can use :) There you can see the prefixes like sgp//sbg//rbx etc..then just ping the hostnames example .. easy as that!

    --I always need help..pff

  • @xreann20 said:
    You can use :) There you can see the prefixes like sgp//sbg//rbx etc..then just ping the hostnames example .. easy as that!

    Thats what i found out too right after posting this, thank you!
    Turns out my UK ovh has 5ms more ping than Frankfurt, so im not gonna bother changing location. Not worth the effort. :dizzy:

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