Looking for suggestions - 2 sites and a Hostbill app
Hi everyone
I am currently using a dedi server to host and manage 3 sites/apps below. Spending around $67/month.
1- Small store frontend, gets 10-20 visitors a day.
2- SaaS website, gets 50-70 hits a day
3- Hostbill (for billing/ordering/helpdesk for the above two sites), gets around 10-20 visitors a day.
I don't use wordpress. The store frontend site is PHP and HTML based and has 10 pages. The SaaS is a php script/app and it hardly uses around 500 MB RAM. Am pretty sure Hostbill is the most resource intensive out of these three, but I've never seen it utilizing more than 1 GB RAM.
Obviously the dedi server is under-utilized. And I have decided to move all the sites to VPS and save some money on the monthly fees.
I was thinking on two different setups and I'd appreciate if you can recommend or suggest which one I should go for.
Setup 1:
- 1st VM with 2x vCPU and 2GB RAM for the store frontend and SaaS Script
- 2nd VM with 2x vCPU and 2GB RAM for the Hostbill
- 3rd VM with 2x vCPU and 2GB RAM for DB hosting (to be used bu SaaS script and Hostbill)
Setup 2:
- 1st VM with 3x vCPU and 4GB RAM for the store frontend and the SaaS script. DB will be used within this same server
- 2nd VM with 3x vCPU and 4GB RAM for hostbill app. DB will be used within this same server
Am aware I can host all three sites/apps on a VPS with higher resources or on a VDS. But I have decided to keep the frontend sites and the hostbill (for billing and helpdesk) on separate VMs. That way if I mess up something or if one of the VM goes down, I still have the second VM to let the users know what's going on and update them in a proper way.
I am more inclined towards the first setup but considering the sites are too small my brain is having a hard time to figure out whether it make sense to have a separate VM just for DB. Am interested in knowing what you guys think is more practical option.
Also, this is my first thread in LES. Am still learning the ins and outs of this community. Please be gentle on me in case I have broken any unspoken rules or missed anything.
Honestly if it’s just php then a small reseller plan may suffice for your needs
Reseller plans sounds like good enough isolation on the account level, and if you want to split it between two different nodes no matter what, then maybe get two different reseller locations, or perhaps even regular shared hosting accounts?
Also, Hostbill seems to be using it, but Is your SaaS DB MySQL as well? If not, you might have a hard time finding a reseller supporting Postgres or what not..
If going the reseller route nonetheless, consider MyW.pt lifetimes by @MikePT : https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/4001/we-need-your-help-shared-reseller-da-mailchannels-cl-litespeed-de-usa-sg-lifetimes
(BTW, don't be turned off by the US server specs, they seem to have upgraded it to Ryzen, as per their recent thread on another green forum)
Me personally, I have to be honest, I'm barely using any resources and mostly idling my plan, but I can tell you that my uptime in Germany is >99.9%, and as for more serious usage, at least two other community members (who apparently are using it for something more than just idling ^^) should be able to vouch for their quality - calling @Ympker and @bikegremlin
Another name frequently being mentioned on these forums is HostMantis, who supposedly provide the best quality within your price point (judging by @bikegremlin's blog XD), sadly it's a more costly option, as not only do they not have lifetimes, they also have a rather bad rep for hiking their prices up..
On the other hand, contrary to MyW and Brixly (another reseller brand discussed here every now and then), they do happen to have Australia, in case that is your desired location...
Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
Yeah, hosting it in different nodes sounds like a plan.
I do have a reseller account with MyW, in their Germany location. It's been idling over a year. I guess its time to put it in use.
Thanks for the inputs though, @chimichurri and @bruh21
I agree.
It's just worth noting:
Check your hardware resource needs. Some reseller hosting providers allow you to tune those (Brixly, HostMantis, KnownHost and MDDHosting as of recently - to note a few). Others have set limits per a created sub-account.
Having said that, generally, unless it's something poorly optimized or with a huge number of requests, any reseller hosting should do fine in terms of resources. Pricing, tech. support and stability are the things to worry about. Depending on how "critical" what you're hosting is ("loooosing millions" and all).
Since you've mentioned - this is the MyW hosting "review" (I just try to measure, keep track and note everything I notice, so it's more of a "diary" than a review, but that works best for me
BikeGremlin I/O
Mostly WordPress ™
Do not deploy hostbill on shared hosting. It is complicated peace of software and suggestion would be to uae kvm with 2GB ram to be on a safe side.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but HostBill system requirements look rather standard, i.e. should work on a basic shared/reseller hosting stack.
VPS makes sense if you need some "exotic" system setup. In terms of power, I don't think VPS is necessarily better than a good quality shared/reseller hosting account.
BikeGremlin I/O
Mostly WordPress ™
Very happy with @MikePT service
Uptime for me has been a bit lower than 99%, but that's according to Uptime robot, anyway. I never noticed any downtime 
Ympker's Shared/Reseller Hosting Comparison Chart, Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.