Ympker's New Flat - Suggestions/Advice
Hey there, everyone.
As some of you will have found out in another thread, I am moving together with the gf towards the end of August. Although, in the thread I mentioned earlier, I originally asked for a network solution for our new flat, people like @skorupion and @bikegremlin have been suggesting things on how to improve the overall situation of the flat. Given that it's our first own flat (before I lived only in a shared flat with other students aside from living at home), we are generally open to any advice or ideas for improvement of our setup. So, if you have any more ideas or if there's anything to keep in mind or watch out for, feel free to let us know in this thread
The flat:
The flat is situated somewhat in the city centre, is on the fourth floor and is about 45m2 (two room flat) in size. The flat also has a roof slope (if that's the word?!).
The image below shows how the flat more or less looks like and how we plan on using the space available to us. The washing machine is missing in the picture below and it's situated inside the bathroom (we found out about this when we visited the place).
Any ideas on what could be improved or any things to watch out for are more than welcome
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Take all of this with a bucket of salt - it's just my opinion, based on my experience (and preferences/priorities).
If it helps, playing with this software helped me be sure that breaking a wall is a good idea:
I'm sure there are dozens of similar ones, perhaps even better (you may already be using one), but this one was idiot-friendly and nice for me to use.
For some quick ideas:
The thing you put over the stove, to suck in the fumes and push them out of the apartment - it's a good idea if you cook your meals and haven't got a separate kitchen (as a room with a door). I went to great lengths to install that, and its exhaust.
There are some with "advanced filters" that just circulate the air, and, just like my sense of humour, they are lacking.
No balcony to dry clothes, no free wall to store bicycles.
A washing machine in the bathroom is a good idea.
You've managed to set up two work desks, but one is in the bedroom.
Depending on how tightly you sleep and how "synched" your schedules are, it may, or may not cause friction (not that it can't be turned into fun though
No room for kids, but I don't see how that could fit into 45 m2.
Thinking out loud:
I'd consider making a U-shaped work desk combo in the top-left corner, and replacing the work desk in the bedroom with some more wardrobes (you need good winter and summer clothing in Germany I suppose).
Finally, disregard all this and let the woman choose furniture, layout and decoration. Life's better that way.
I did get the wall-down proposition through, though! Yey!
BikeGremlin I/O
Mostly WordPress ™
Sure thing, happy for any feedback we get
Looks great! Will probably give that one a try next (easier than to start up Sims 3 from the GF's Origin account every time)
Yeah, I think I know what you are referring to. It's already there/included in the kitchen we are buying from the person who lived there before
Overall, appears to be a very generous offer, as they are giving us the kitchen, along with the stove, dishwasher, sink, fridge and the washing machine for 500€ in total as they are moving to Italy. Visiting them next week to check if all things are working properly, though (so we don't pay 500€ for nothing). If all's well, 500€ for all of this sounds like a good price (even if used) and easier and more affordable than replacing/adding our own kitchen/stove/washing machine/dish asher/fridge.
Yeah, we really gotta find a place for drying the clothes haha
Maybe in the patio? There is a patio which is only accessible by ppl living in the building and where we a can also park our bikes (although, I'll give you that, the wall-bike thing looks fancy :P ).
Then again, hanging up clothes in a public space is always a bit of a 50:50 chance of getting your favourite clothes stolen xD
Yeah, sounds about right. Appears to be a Samsung. I'll have to check the exact model but for the price mentioned above seems good.
The idea was that I am taking the one in the bedroom as I tend to go to sleep earlier (yeah, yeah, I know, I'm a terrible sterotype when it comes to gamer/dev sleep schedule), and the gf's desk will be in the kitchen/living room because she usually stays up late.
I can see how "friction" could still be caused but at this point there aren't many options given that we kinda prefer both desks to be at the window (sun-light), too. It's east side, so not too much sun but enough :P Also have to buy a fan for summer haha
We are likely gonna live there for 2-3 years only, until we finish our studies
After that, probably moving to a bigger place so that wouldn't be a proble (for now).
I am not entirely sure what you are saying here. Are you referring to the top-left corner of the bedroom? If so, where would you place the bed instead? I imagine it would be hard fitting both desks (I assume that's what you mean by U-Shaped work desk combo?!), the bed AND more drawers/wardrobes into the bedroom? But yeah, we definitely need to change clothing a lot xD
She is actually very excited to do this, so this might just happen anyway lol
Haha, nice one!
Thanks for all the feedback, mate @bikegremlin ! Much appreciated
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Need AC for hot summer and cold winter is not it? Advice (mitsubishi 1x1 msz-ap35vgk)
For a small apartment like this you should use all the height. Like ex of living in 25m2 Studio i have learnt how important is to use all the available space vertically. You know put all the things that are not used on the top shelfs.
Change the electric lamps to leds
Buy a water saver.
Buy an escalera for the vertical order of the apartment is a must.
Mmm where are you going to put the laundry? Or there is common balcony like in Spain ?
Dentistry is my passion
Double check the electric company. If you have the same system like in Spain of free market . Not sure how expensive and if you could change the electric company like in Spain. For me and for my parents. We have changed recently our electric company . we have chsnged 0.44 to 0.195 for kwh. This is essentially saving lot of money for 15min process. May be you have something similar to CNMC calculators for energy in order to see which provider is the better/cheaper/greener .
Dentistry is my passion
Wait, does that mock of the flat is created in Sims 4?
AC is probably a luxury for students here and we probably wouldn't be allowed to install a stationary one. Could probably get a mobile one with a tube going out of the window. I am referring to something like this.
In general, using all the height is a great idea and we will probably try to install lots of top shelves. Noted!
Good idea! Noted
For what purpose exactly? For drinking we can just use tab water, bathroom gets its own water and it would probably only use space, or am I missing something here?
We already have one. Definitely necessary :P
No, there is no balcony. The guy who lived there before also didn't really get into detail where he put it. I'll ask him next week when we check out the other items we're potentially gonna buy off him.
Yeah, we are definitely gonna check that and internet. For one, there might be better tarifs available. Also, sometimes you get a bonus for switching. We are going to switch ISP anyway to get 1 Gbit/s.
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Sims 3, but yeah. The gf plays/used to play Sims a lot and envisioned/mapped our house using Sims 3
Minecraft was another idea but a bit blocksy xD
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My bad. I meant the top-right corner, when you enter through the door to the apartment. In the living room.
A potential problem could be the sun from the window(s) - causing screen glare.
Then you'd get more room for wardrobes in the bedroom. There are also some huge drawers that you can fit under the bed - check those out. As well as living room sofas with a compartment beneath (Feydom - worth every penny IMO, if they're available in Germany - modular, like Lego
Just "throwing ideas," you'll figure it out best what suits you.
BikeGremlin I/O
Mostly WordPress ™
For drying, you can use good ol air drying, just hang up some wire in your bathroom and hang your clothes
(also pls post the exact sizes of the apt. might figure something out or just frick around
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Ahhh... Now, that makes a lot more sense
Good idea! We will map it out and give it a thought! Definitely would allow for more storage in the bed room. Screen glare is something we'd probably just have to try out :P
Drawers and sofas with compartment beneath are a good idea to get extra storage
My bed (currently) also has drawers below, so we might take that one with us (or get a similar one). Feydom looks nice (although it sounds a bit like a kinky fetish :P ).
Sure thing! Happy to hear any!
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From my experience, they aren't good until they are like 2 cm from the food, and are better for smoking, and I see a window so better to just open it
My and my moms apt is 35 m and we fit a bathroom(small but usable) a kitchen area, one room for my mom (very small but good enough for a bed and a TV, living room (has dining table, my moms desk and closets for her, and general stuff), and my room (also small, fits a small closet, and big desk, some drawers with a wall monted TV, and my bed) and the best is the price which is about 60 bucks p/m) also by the city this apt should fit a family of most likely rn 4 (2+2) cuz Poland Is fucked up. Btw the apt is directly from the city so that's why its sooo cheap.
Not really at most 2 fans (at least that's what worked for me)
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Yeah, that's our plan for now :P
The exact sizes we will probably measure when we do our second visit where we also check out the things we are going to buy from him
Living room + Kitchen ( = 1 room) is 27,20m2
Bedroom is 11,87 m2
Bathroom is 4,56 m2
Entry area after door is like 2,10m2
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Saving water. It is just like a plug in to the sink. More pressure less consumption. Win win . and being green and it is cheapo
Dentistry is my passion
I mean like bedroom is 2m*3m etc...
Also u free for a call with me and maybe @bikegremlin
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Ahh. Okay, I'll need to look into that (to find out what exactly you were referring to) :P
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Yeah, the exact measurements I will probably take next week (if the guy has time) hopefully.
Thanks! That's a cool idea (if you guys are up for it). We could hop on a (Discord/Whatsapp whatever) call once I got the measurements to discuss any issues :P
During our first visit I also took some pictures of the flat (how it currently looks like) which I could then show you.
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Waiting on you on LES discord rn, even without the measurements there are some things to discuss
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Econimizador de agua grifo on amazon.es 10 euros for 2 of them. Dirty cheapo
Dentistry is my passion
I think most of them come already on the faucet, and they are called Faucet aerator
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Oh, right. I'll be there in like 5mins :P
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Muchas gracias, señor
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@skorupion can you link me LES Discord? I can't find it in my serverlist atm :P
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Storage space. No matter how much you have it won't be enough.
I ended up hiring a storage rental place...
True that.
How did that happen? Too many leftovers from old place?
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Probably cardboard boxes
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Just had a nice chat with @skorupion on Discord. Cool guy and lots of good ideas
Thanks, mate!
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No problem, now to wait on the exact sizes and lets do that again
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nah just stuff like wanted to keep pc screen boxes etc
Eat whatever and enjoy your GF! The rest is irrelevant in the footnotes of a long marriage 😝
Best of luck in your new home
I sometimes worry that I'm so correct in all I say, that there might be something wrong with me