7-day wooden rack strong small plate chicken DMCA ignored

I was bored so I looked at this meme provider and discovered that they have a free VPS offering.
After ordering, it's delivered in 29 minutes.
There's only an IP address and root password, with no control panel access.
It's uncertain whether the garden is being watched.
YABS: link to YABS archive
ping: link to ping.pe result
VPS FluxNode
4 Core
220 GB SSD NVME (240/270 MB/s I/O)
1 GBps network port
1 Dedicated IPv4
Linux ISO or Custom ISO
First 7 days free after 7 days it s 10 euro/month
Delivery in maximum 6 hours
Order link: https://panel.ihostart.com/index.php?rp=/store/vps-fluxnode
Terms of Service summary
- iHostART.Com offers 100% dedicated resources and does not promote overselling, the dedicated resources we use are CPU, RAM, Storage space.
- The only thing that is not offered as a dedicated resource is the net band, we offer a 1 gbps shared net band to all clients on the respective node, if the net band is abused, the net band will be dedicated 70 mbit limit.
- We have no restrictions when it comes to DMCA, but we do not agree with pornographic content with minors, or ddos / flood scripts
- I did not agree with DDoS attacks
- I did not agree with email spam
- I did not like child pornography
Looks prem tbh - might move my business there
I sometimes worry that I'm so correct in all I say, that there might be something wrong with me
Congrats @yoursunny for the new brand.

Good luck for sales.
What a title for a tread. I thought it was about for some weird kink porn.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
they have recently upgraded to metal rack 🫢
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
So, I assume the next upgrade is a silicon rack.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
Yabs or it didn’t happen
I’m blind.
Also, looks like a cociu vm.
Free VPS?! Wow! This abuser wants to be abused.
how much eggs produce the chicken per month and is the free egg delivery also included?
Here's a little explanation on why it's free:
There's this new thing called Flux, it's a crypto scheme that runs benchmarks (CPU, Disk, etc) and it requires you to perform above a certain threshold in order to get particular rewards. If you don't perform above the benchmarks, then you get removed from the network + the rewards disappear. Unfortunately, from what I recall, iHostArt wasn't performing particularly good with these benchmarks and so a lot of the community (iirc) lost trust in them so (iirc) Calin has resorted to providing free servers for a limited time in order to gain back trust.
That explains why the activation email contains a YABS command line.
Wow, I never though @yoursunny would be one to leak his root password on LES!
He is certainly not one who does not change passwords sent via mail.

Most likely after verifying ssh host keys during sporting activities.
it-df.net: IT-Service David Froehlich | Individual network and hosting solutions | AS39083 | RIPE LIR services (IPv4, IPv6, ASN)
Normally, I reinstall from ISO and set root password during installation.
It would be "leaked" if someone listens to keystrokes on the network.
I do disable SSH password authentication right away, but it's theoretically possible for someone to login and plant malware during those few minutes.
For this server, I neither reinstalled nor changed password.
However, the email was edited to have a random password before taking the screenshot.
I logged in and looked at his push-up pr0n. Now I need to wash my eyes
@Advin true
Does the chicken still smells good and is crispy? Cooked in crisco lard?
Microwave ftw
I got some of his pr0n when I visited his datacenter in Atlantis. I never opened it though. I am a bit afraid I will not be able to delete the scenes from my mind. That is some very nasty high-quality stuff from what I heard so far.
LES Exclusive Offer
A secret push-up video has been uploaded to this server, served on an undisclosed TCP port number, among the port numbers supported by Cloudflare.
This video has no backups.
It will disappear forever when this server expires.
Watch it while it's hot. 17.48.47.mov
Stole a copy
Signature currently under construction
Sorry for the inconvenience
Would have been sexier had a cucumber or marrow been involved.
newtork is fast my man
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Hey look , Nekki here!
It is shared 1 Gbps port.
If abused, it's throttled to 70 Mbps.
Invoice generated on Friday, so I submitted cancellation at end of billing period.
Spec says 7 days free but WHMCS thinks it's 30 days.
I'd see when the server gets deleted.
In either case, the secret push-up video will disappear forever.
Dedicated CPU is true.
I compiled OpenWrt for more than 4 hours at full CPU usage, without getting throttled.
This meme provider can sell €40 dedicated server, so that €10 for 8 dedicated CPU threads is imaginable.
Free lunch is over?
I clicked the order link again (without logging in) and the price is now straight €10 without seven days free.
@yoursunny hello , yes , there were a few who purchased, the free period is unfortunately over