Kuroit | KVM SSD VPS | London, UK | £1 Per 1GB RAM | IPv4+IPv6 | 120Gbps DDoS Protection



  • KuroitKuroit Hosting Provider

    @MohamadSY said:
    Order ID#3832, thanks in advance 🙏🏻

    Done, added extra 1GB RAM and 10GB SSD to your VPS! Thank you :)

    https://www.kuroit.com - Managed cPanel Hosting & VPS Hosting in UK

  • @Mumbly said:

    @emperor said:

    @Mumbly said: No it's not.

    Are you sure? Check in google translate what Куро is. Type it in cyrillic and search translate from serbian bosnian bulgarian croatian slovenian and probably couple more countries. Only in slovenian is bitch all others are dick except bulgarian is cock :)

    Yes, I am sure, but lets stick with the latin. My cyrillic is a bit rusty since we went our own way on 25 June 1991... :)

    *kurac = is dick (vulgar) in serbo/croatian
    *kurva or kurvo = is whore (vulgar) in serbo/croatian
    *kurba = is whore (vulgar) in slovenian
    *kurwa = is whore (vulgar) in polish
    *kura = is chicken (in dialect, properly: kokoš) in slovenian

    ...and this is it.

    Similarity in few letters doesn't have even remotely the same meaning. It's like "love" vs "loud", "like" vs "lie", "shade" vs "shake" and so on... Two completely unrelated words. Native speaker can't be confused with that.
    Kuro doesn't have any negative meaning in slavic language. Infact by my knowledge it's not even a word (unless there's some dialect usage I am not familiar with).

    Dick/whore/chicken-it are all excellent names for a hosting provider, so it’s a win regardless.

  • Invoice #3924. Thanks!

  • Invoice #3925.Thank you so much!

  • KuroitKuroit Hosting Provider

    @lincw said:
    Invoice #3924. Thanks!

    @A1s2 said:
    Invoice #3925.Thank you so much!

    Done, added extra 1GB RAM and 10GB SSD to your VPS. Thank you! :)

    https://www.kuroit.com - Managed cPanel Hosting & VPS Hosting in UK

  • KuroitKuroit Hosting Provider

    Alright everyone! This offer is no longer available.

    We have some SSD & RAM left for upgrades though, so if you need more space & RAM, we can do that at lower prices.

    You can check our sale offers here!

    Thank you everyone for your support. We will be back with new offers soon! ;)

    https://www.kuroit.com - Managed cPanel Hosting & VPS Hosting in UK

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