100$ Digital Ocean Credit for 60 Days - Freebie
If you need free DO credit for 60 days, there's this offer rn: https://try.digitalocean.com/css-tricks/
Found it on CSS-Tricks website
If you need free DO credit for 60 days, there's this offer rn: https://try.digitalocean.com/css-tricks/
Found it on CSS-Tricks website
Don't suppose you happen to know how long the offer is running for? If I signed up now, I probably wouldn't use them until nearly the end of the trial period!
This promo has been running for ages, and probably won't disappear soon.
FYI, there are similar offers from Vultr and Linode too (not to mention the big clouds)
Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
Not sure, unfortunately. However, @chimichurri suggested it may run for a while
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DO I might opt for still since they have a location in Bengaluru.
For the rest:
Once upon a time I had drawn up a scheulde
AWS (1 yr)
Google Cloud (used to be 1 year back when)
DO (2 months)
Vultr (I think used to be 3 months)
Linode (2 months)
IBM Cloud (2 months)
Azure (2 months)
Oracle Cloud (? months)
Edit: Alibaba cloud (1 year, before Govt of India raised an eyebrow.. best left at that)
That is nearly 3 4 plus years of free VPS use. But then comes the cost of creating accounts, adding cr card, setting up the server and / or SaaS tools, migrating data, backing up... and of course, things like Oracle Cloud never worked well for me, and Google Cloud I went over by almost 100 US Dollars- beginner's (bad) luck.
The plan was promptly tossed.
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Yeah been "saving up" > @vyas said:
This is why I'm avoiding signing up with AWS & Azure...I'll do so when I need a lot of compute or something for a brief time. Most also have always free tiers
Or use a prepaid card to sign up so you dont go over budget accidently.
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AWS does allow you to set budget limits, doesn't it?
BikeGremlin I/O
Mostly WordPress ™
Yes, but you can't prevent yourself from being billed beyond the limit because it may require removal of a resource that you consider essential. (I had a post up on OGF that goes more into it, but I can't find it now.)
In case you're referring to this, then while technically called Budgets, unfortunately, the name is somewhat misleading, these are just alerts, you cannot set a hard usage cap per account with this: https://aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/aws-budgets/
It should be possible to configure some kind of resource deleting/stopping automation that would be triggered by these, but I'm afraid that unless they change this, the best way to avoid an unexpected bill from AWS is to stay away from it.. ^^" (since, contrary to Azure, Oracle or Google, for example, even during the free trial, they're forcing you to have a paid account from day 1
edit: @stevewatson301 beat me to it
It's only 3 months now, but IIRC, if you convert to a paid account, there's a tiny VM that can be used for free indefinitely (as long as you keep your outgoing bandwidth under control, since the free allowance is very limited)
Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research
Yes, that's what I mean. They do state this:
"With AWS Budget Actions, you can also configure specific actions to respond to cost and usage status in your accounts, so that if your cost or usage exceeds or is forecasted to exceed your threshold, actions can be executed automatically or with your approval to reduce unintentional over-spending."
Is it not possible to set service block or similar once a threshold is reached?
BikeGremlin I/O
Mostly WordPress ™
This is just for new signups right? Most of us already have DO accounts by now.