Let us know about your HIKES.
Today's one just in:

First of all let us thank You for your faith in XetHost's services!

We'd like to inform you hereby about some minor changes.

As our old customer, you surely feel and experience that it's our priority to continuously develop our infrastructure and solutions, thereby providing quality services to our customers. We finished many development projects in 2020.

We made the availability of our services and infrastructure transparent, so you can check if the SLA levels in our contracts are met. It also enables you to get prompt alerts about planned maintenances and possible, unexpected problems as well. These are all publicly visible on our https://status.xethost.com site.

Considering last year's economical changes and industry trends, to be able to provide the XetHost quality level, we had to make minor price corrections for 2021. The change will not be significant and affects customers who choose PayPal to pay their invoices. In these cases, our system will add a +5.4% administration fee to the invoice after 15th February 2021.

In October 2020 we introduced Stripe's credit card payment option, that lets invoices to be paid without an administration fee similar to other payment methods.

In our opinion, the correct way is to communicate it to you.


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