Announcing: Monthly Webhosting PLAN! 2 Premium Website Templates, ...

SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider

Introducing the first monthly MyRootPW Webhosting Plan!

The Shared Web-Hosting Offers take resources on powerful servers with
SSD-Disks and are managed by the state of the art Control-Panel.


  • Free SSL Certificates by Lets Encrypt
  • Reliable Webhosting Platform with a 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • One-Click Web-Application Installer (Wordpress, Nextcloud, ...)
  • FREE Access to Premium Website Templates that are unique to MyRootPW
  • FREE Migration From Other Providers (First Month)
  • Daily Backups
  • Multiple PHP Versions (5.6, 7.2, 7.4, 8.0)
  • Choice of Location: Netherlands (Appeldoorn), US (Kansas City), Austria (Vienna)

15 GB SSD Storage
500 GB Monthly Transfer
5 Website(s)
5 User Accounts
5 Mysql Database(s)
5 Postgres Database(s)
5 Euro per Month - [ORDER]

All prices excl. VAT if applicable.

Check out the [Knowledgebase], or [Blog]!

Payment Options: PayPal, Stripe, Go-Cardless, Wire-Transfer
Legal Stuff: [AUP], [TOS]

MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ Web-Hosting ★
★ Locations: Austria + Netherlands + USA ★ [email protected]

Thanked by (1)armandorg


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