Netcup: New contracts can be cancelled monthly after minimum period

beaglebeagle OG
edited April 2022 in Industry News

Saw this news on a tweet from Netcup:

Translation by Google Translate:

New consumer protection law on minimum contract terms
April 6th, 2022, Category: General

In Germany, a new consumer protection law came into force on March 1st, 2022. Consumers who purchase a product after March 1st, 2022 can terminate their contract monthly after the minimum contract period of 12 to a maximum of 24 months. This means that the contract term is not automatically extended by a further 12 months after the minimum term, but only by one month at a time.

This is what the law says in Germany, but we have decided to apply these new contract rules to all netcup end-user customers outside of Germany.
Existing customers can also benefit from this new regulation.

The billing period of 12, 6 or 3 months remains in effect, but in the event of cancellation you will be reimbursed for the excess amount paid in advance.
Domains are also granted monthly cancellation after the minimum term, however the prepaid amount is non-refundable as domains are an individual product that we have already pre-purchased for the length of the prepaid period.

How does that work specifically?
Suppose you have or buy a product with a minimum contract term of 12 months and a billing period of 6 months. In the 13th month you realize that you no longer need the product, you want to cancel it. You can now do this via the CCP at the end of the 13th month. To do this, log into the CCP.
Under the menu item "Cancellation" you can see the earliest possible cancellation date via the dropdown. Enter the desired termination date. Your cancellation is effective from the next possible desired date (in the example from the 14th month).
The amount that was prepaid at the beginning of the 13th month for the next 6 months will now be refunded to you pro rata at 5/6.

Of course, our accounting department needs your bank details in order to arrange the refund. If you have not yet stored this in your master data, please let us know.

What happens if I take over another end user's contract? Does the minimum contract period then start all over again?
Many of our customers are present in our forum and use the exchange market there .
There, customers can exchange products with customers via a change of ownership.
Changes of ownership are treated like an existing contract. If the minimum contract period has expired and both parties are end consumers, the customer who accepts the contract can also terminate the contract with one month's notice.

Does this rule also apply to upgrades?
Upgrading a contract, for example from an RS1000 to an RS2000, is always treated as a new contract. Therefore, the minimum contract period starts again from the beginning and is therefore the exception.

If you have any questions on this topic, please feel free to contact our support as usual.

Your netcup team

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