VPS with good DDoS Protection for TS3

Hi there,

I run a TeamSpeak 3 server which is unfortunately the target of DDoS Attacks every so often. We have been with OVH GAME, the problem with them however is they block legitimate traffic during flood so half the TS disconnects. We've been with Zare, and whilst they are good, they are the target of constant attacks and their Corero unit is sometimes taking 1-2 minutes to mitigate OTHER client attacks and our TS goes offline.

We have been the target of floods up to 100Gbps, due to this I'm asking if anyone has any recommendations based on their own experience of good providers for TS3 that won't false block, and be able to handle 100Gbps+ attacks.

I'm currently thinking Voxility but I know they can false block, any other recommendations? We've dome some trickery with SRV records so when people resolve/ping the hostname it shows a Cloudflare IP which has so far blocked all attacks, this is more in case someone figures that out.



  • MikeAMikeA Hosting ProviderOG

    @tester4 said:
    I run a TeamSpeak 3 server which is unfortunately the target of DDoS Attacks every so often. We have been with OVH GAME, the problem with them however is they block legitimate traffic during flood so half the TS disconnects.

    Yesterday OVH pushed a change to the game firewall that fixed legitimate connection disconnects (you can find it on the travaux), I don't know it it covered all filters but I know it fixed it for a client of mine who was running a game server. If you haven't tested it recently and want to see if it works better PM me and I'll let you try it.

  • @MikeA said:

    @tester4 said:
    I run a TeamSpeak 3 server which is unfortunately the target of DDoS Attacks every so often. We have been with OVH GAME, the problem with them however is they block legitimate traffic during flood so half the TS disconnects.

    Yesterday OVH pushed a change to the game firewall that fixed legitimate connection disconnects (you can find it on the travaux), I don't know it it covered all filters but I know it fixed it for a client of mine who was running a game server. If you haven't tested it recently and want to see if it works better PM me and I'll let you try it.

    I'm actually already with you (you may remember last week I opened a ticket regarding TS3 disconnects during flood). We moved off you to Zare since we pretty much both came to the concensus that OVH wasn't going to do anything. Currently moving back since you've informed of this, hopefully good results!

  • MikeAMikeA Hosting ProviderOG
    edited May 2020

    @tester4 said:
    I'm actually already with you (you may remember last week I opened a ticket regarding TS3 disconnects during flood). We moved off you to Zare since we pretty much both came to the concensus that OVH wasn't going to do anything. Currently moving back since you've informed of this, hopefully good results!

    You can guess how surprised I was when I saw the status page report about the game firewall update. Like I said, it may not help, but they don't mention a specific filter so it might have fixed it for everything. I do know it fixed issues for at least one of the games. If you cancelled the server let me know and I can make a temporary one for you to try.

  • @MikeA said:

    @tester4 said:
    I'm actually already with you (you may remember last week I opened a ticket regarding TS3 disconnects during flood). We moved off you to Zare since we pretty much both came to the concensus that OVH wasn't going to do anything. Currently moving back since you've informed of this, hopefully good results!

    You can guess how surprised I was when I saw the status page report about the game firewall update. Like I said, it may not help, but they don't mention a specific filter so it might have fixed it for everything. I do know it fixed issues for at least one of the games. If you cancelled the server let me know and I can make a temporary one for you to try.

    With the SRV record trick I'm not expecting any attacks really going forward, but hopefully if it /does/ happen, OVH at least won't block half of my TS server anymore!

  • Now back running on trusty OVH, let's see how she peforms :expressionless:

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