Free for life ! KVM storage 1tb hdd for the customer number 100-200-300-400-500-600-700-800-900-999!

cociucociu OG
edited November 2019 in General

I hope some MOD from here to give me the nickname for the customer number 500 (when will be) . I will gift 1 kvm vps for life .

Speck :

1 core
1 gb ram
1 tb hdd raid 6 or 60
10tb/mo traffic (1 gbps port speed shared)
1 ipv4
located in Romania.

EDIT : give away only one vps is not for cociu , so i edited my thread offer. I hope the mods will play with this because i cannot know this details.

The winers will be posted here and we will deliver the vps after we get this details.

Enjoy !



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