Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison Chart

YmpkerYmpker OGContent Writer
edited August 2021 in General

Looking to grab a LTD on Stacksocial for a VPN Service?
Here is a comparison chart featuring all the VPN Services I have a LTD of:
Windscribe Pro, Ivacy, FastestVPN, RA4W VPN, VPNUnlimited/Keepsolid, Getflix.

The following criteria will be assessed: Purchase date, Jurisdicition, Speed, Connection Stability, Own Client, Manual setup protocols available, Torrents, Flix, Cool Extras and whether the LTD has an expiry date set in the client area.

I'll try to update it (especially the speeds table) ever so often :)

Any questions, feel free to ask.

Yes, I'm an LTD addict :)



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