ipv4 to ipv6 using SSF - quick / simple

edited June 2020 in Technical

I know this can be done using wireguard, but have had trouble getting ipv6 routing working on my OpenVZ 6 VPS, and am waiting to be migrated to OpenVZ 7, when I will use @Nyr 's excellent wireguard installer. Thank you @Nyr .

In the meantime, this works, at least for me: https://securesocketfunneling.github.io/ssf/#how-to-browse-privately

ipv6 test using chromium-browser on linux connected via local SSF socks5 proxy to SSF server on VPS:

Thanked by (1)Freek


  • Addendum: I can also use this to ssh into my ipv6 only free server at Euserv.

    My ~/.ssh/config

    # euserv #
    Host euserv
         HostName server_ipv6_address
         User root
         Port 22
         ProxyCommand=nc -X 5 -x localhost:9000 %h %p

    Local ssf socks5 proxy is running on localhost:9000.

  • Does this work if you have no ipv6 connection at all?

    The SSH thing.

  • edited June 2020

    My current ISP does not provide ipv6, and my current ancient router cannot route ipv6, so I use this method at the moment to access the ipv6 internet via my MrVM VPS that has both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses. I did not need to do any special configuration on the VPS, other than running the SSF server on it.

    So yes, it works for SSH.

  • @allendiggity said:
    My current ISP does not provide ipv6, and my current ancient router cannot route ipv6, so I use this method at the moment to access the ipv6 internet via my MrVM VPS that has both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses. I did not need to do any special configuration on the VPS, other than running the SSF server on it.

    So yes, it works for SSH.

    I guess the same could be achieved just connecting to the server via VPN, like Wireguard.

  • @Ouji said:

    I guess the same could be achieved just connecting to the server via VPN, like Wireguard.

    Yep, as stated in my OP - not working for me at the moment, hence the workaround.

  • @allendiggity Thanks for posting this. It's interesting! I didn't know about KIT or SCC.

    The URL for the IPv6 connectivity test page, a screenshot of which was posted by OP @allendiggity, seems to be [http://wieistmeineip.scc.kit.edu/]{http://wieistmeineip.scc.kit.edu/).

    This solution of using your own VPS's SSF seems maybe more private than, for example, Hurricane Electric Free IPv6 Tunnel Broker.

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!

  • @Not_Oles said: The URL for the IPv6 connectivity test page, a screenshot of which was posted by OP @allendiggity, seems to be [http://wieistmeineip.scc.kit.edu/]{http://wieistmeineip.scc.kit.edu/).

    I think that's a mirror URL - you can just use https://test-ipv6.com/

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