it is possible claim back a domain from a host which suddenly closed?

I'm trying help a friend but i don't have experience on this.

He have 5-6 domains purchased from a host, but that host closed main site, doesn't reply emails and deleted twitter account, facebook page.

Their domains still work because he have cloudflare dns.

There is any way to try claim back their domain to other provider or something?


  • hostEONShostEONS Hosting ProviderOG

    you can probably try to whois the domain and find the main registrar for whom that host was reselling, contacting them might help

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  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG

    You may contact the tld registry from your registered whois contact email, explaning the situation, they should be able to help.

    Thanked by (2)donko someTom
  • A good piece of advice is to get domains from registrars and not from hosts.

    If the domains were bought under his name, he should stand a decent chance of getting them back, but if they were bought under the host's name, it may be difficult. In any case, good luck.

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