[MXroute, Email Hosting] Black Friday Update (New promo today)

jarlandjarland Hosting ProviderOG
edited November 2020 in Offers

Earlier this month we posted an early Black Friday promotion. I'd like to save you from the sales pitch as nothing changed since then, but you can read it here: https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/2038/mxroute-black-friday-2020-a-little-early

For the actual event of Black Friday I'm releasing a planned promotion:

2GB Storage
5 Domains
25 Email Accounts
25 Email Forwarders
25 Domain Aliases
300 outbound per hour (per email)
Order: https://portal.mxroute.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=108

These tend to go faster than others, and only 300 will be sold. Two were sold early, immediately after I added stock, thanks to product ID guessers :)

Don't create email accounts just to go over 300 per hour. The point of the per email limit isn't to make you jump through hoops, it's to stop you from a single activity that sends more than 300 per hour.

Hate radiates from the source. If you look around and see it everywhere, it's coming from you.


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