Smol but actually thicc server for reverse proxy

I'm looking for something to replace my 2€/mo russian vps.
It will run haproxy to serve my websites.

Looking for:

  • at least 2 cpu (faster is better, as CPU is currently my bottleneck)
  • not much ram (1gb is fine)
  • not much storage, but better if fast for caching (20gb nvme i guess? more is always appreciated)
  • 10gbit connection (burstable) - no need for dedicated bw but 10gbit is always nice as this will reverse proxy four gigabit servers from which people might download at the same time
  • plenty of BW. don't need much, but unmetered or limited after xx TB is fine for me. i plan to buy more server to load balance in case i use more bw. (using 3TB/mo rn)
  • DDoS protection (sometimes some script kiddie likes to flood me using stressers)

Very appreciated extras:

  • good peering with AS3269 and AS35612
  • permissive AUP/ToS (not gonna host anything illegal I just sleep better)


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