Transferring WebHorizon's 5x512MB NAT Bundle

edited June 2021 in General

EDIT: this is gone now. Thank you for your interest! @Mason, feel free to close it.

I'll post this to LES only initially.

I am letting go of this sweet deal by @WebHorizon.

The five VPS are located in Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Dronten (Netherlands), and Zurich (Switzerland).

The bundle I have is 2x the one offered in the original post, that is:

  • 8GB NVMe SSD Disk
  • 512MB DDR4 ECC RAM
  • 1 vCPU (Fair Use, double the amount of the 256MB bundle)
  • 1 x /112 IPv6 + 20 IPv4 ports
  • 1TB transfer @ 1Gbps; then unlimited at reduced speed
  • tun/tap, NFS, Fuse, and PPP supported
  • Docker supported

My bundle is paid up to March 3, 2022. It renews for $31.00USD (yearly fee).

For the transfer, I ask for $20.67USD (8 months of remaining service), PayPal only. If LES allows to send to "friends and family" (no fees to me), please opt for it. If this is not allowed, I will eat PayPal fees. The recipient will additionally pay $2.5USD to WebHorizon for the transfer.

Reason for letting it go: too much idling.

These VPS are otherwise rock solid and WebHorizon support is top-notch.

Edit: full disclosure: this bundle is shown as a 5x256MB bundle in the control panel, like in the original offer. It is however twice as that. It was manually provisioned.


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