HubiC will close business.

HubiC data will be deleted soon. I just received this email:

The hubiC offers as they currently exist will stop soon. We want to thank you for your trust and loyalty during these past several years and hope that hubiC has given you a satisfying experience.
A new service will soon emerge, resolutely enriched and turned toward the future, with different conditions.
At this time, we need to know if you want to keep your account until the closing of the service, or if we can delete it now.
The hubiC teams thank you once again for your trust and loyalty.



  • that still exists? didn't they EOL like four times already before?

  • vyasvyas OGContent Writer

    Hubic stopped new accounts IIrC 2 yrs ago. Maybe this is the last straw

    VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.

  • Hubic stopped new accounts IIrC 2 yrs ago

    Yeah. If not more?

    But the existing users could still use their 10 TB space for 50 EUR/year until now.

  • But it was so slow it was near unusable, right? Plus it required some kind of windows or phone app, iirc. Using it as general purpose storage was a big pain.

  • Interesting after all, that they kept if running for so long. So for those that were still on board: hope you had a good ride! :)
    Subscribed for a yearly package right at the beginning, but never really got to use it. As @willie says, it felt rather slow and the integrations were just not right.

  • Really? They just invoiced me for another year.

  • lentrolentro Hosting Provider

    Was really interesting for Octave Klaba to merge Shadow with hubiC:

    Never was a good match in the first place, and it freaked people out.

    Perhaps they're turning Shadow into OVH v2 but for cloud computing, with ex-hubiC servers for storage?

    we will look at the future of Shadow cloud-computing services

    Will be really interesting to see where Octave Klaba moves this. The key brain behind Shadow already left (or fired) back when it was acquired by Octave Klaba, and for a year it seems like Shadow has moved nowhere, with a failed expansion into Asia (South Korea -- which failed without a single customer joining. Since then, morale has been pretty low. They shipped servers out, then shipped them right back). Their hardware backbone are made of old Xeons with 5-year-old GPUs, and they stopped buying even 20-series NVIDIA GPUs, let alone 30-series GPUs (which my company started buying back in October 2020).

    Don't trust me on any of my info. But I'm probably correct.

    So basically, hubiC is gone, and Shadow (which was technically a part of hubiC) has an announcement soon where they'll be launching "cloud-computing services"? Hell yeah, this is interesting.

  • edited May 2022

    @vyas said:
    Hubic stopped new accounts IIrC 2 yrs ago. Maybe this is the last straw

    More like 5 4 years.

    @willie said:
    But it was so slow it was near unusable, right? Plus it required some kind of windows or phone app, iirc. Using it as general purpose storage was a big pain.

    But for those with an account it's been working well as very cheap cold storage, yes it's still slow, but fine for ad-hoc access. I've been using both rclone and hubicfuse to access it as a file system on Linux.

    Not had any e-mail myself, and given they're subject to EU consumer laws, this all seems a bit vague, consumer rights are a big thing in EU and it was promoted as a consumer product. To avoid legal problems they would surely have to give customers enough notice of an actual termination date to allow them to retrieve their data, potentially several months at the current throttled speeds.

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