New LES Moderators!

MasonMason AdministratorOG
edited July 2022 in General

A couple of weeks ago, I put out a call to see if anyone would be willing to take on the moderator role here at LES. To my surprise, we had 10 people interested in the position and all of them were great candidates, making the selection process extremely difficult for @mikho and myself. So I'd first like to thank everyone that applied for the mod position -- I just wish we had enough staff positions open for all of you to join the team.

After some back and forth, we decided to bring on two moderators. We think both of these guys will be great additions to the team and will help LES ascend to new heights! So, without further ado, please welcome...




... to the LES Team! We know both of you guys will do great and we'll get you onboarded and caught up to speed soon. You guys both had strong backing from the community, which is a great sign that you will represent the community well and will be a great fit!

Big things to come and thanks again, all!

-Mason & mikho

Humble janitor of LES
Proud papa of YABS


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