★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $30/2YR- 768MB ★ $40/2YR - 1.5GB ★ $50/2YR - 2.5GB ★ $70/2YR - 4GB ★ LES



  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @FrankZ said:
    Seems LET/LEB has gone completely vindictive on VirMach.
    I can understand why he is not posting there right now.

    fucking dog. nothing said about racknerdtalk.

    Thanked by (3)FrankZ taizi imok

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • edited August 2022

    @FrankZ said: Holy shit LET/LEB has gone completely vindictive on VirMach.

    IMO, totally uncalled for, posting that. Raindog must be needing the extra content bilohbucks! Also found it interesting that LordSpock 'stole' my phrase of mass exodus (check post timings).

    FrankZ should perhaps take the same stance as me, with (no) regards to OGF i.e. monitor but don't comment etc. just saying.

    Now what a kind offer from @MikePT and one that genuinely may help, given the kudos that he's appropriated. Nice one.

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ bdl

    lowendinfo.com had no interest.

  • MikePTMikePT Hosting ProviderOGServices Provider
    edited August 2022

    @AlwaysSkint said:

    @FrankZ said: Holy shit LET/LEB has gone completely vindictive on VirMach.

    IMO, totally uncalled for, posting that. Raindog must be needing the extra content bilohbucks! Also found it interesting that LordSpock 'stole' my phrase of mass exodus (check post timings).

    Now what a kind offer from @MikePT and one that genuinely may help, given the kudos that he's appropriated. Nice one.

    I worked for Virmach for quite some time. I can't assist this and simply ignore it. They're good people especially the guy that posts here. They/he helped me a lot when I needed most.

  • edited August 2022

    @VirMach said: I can't wait until I can go back to being an alcoholic. I haven't been able to have a serious drink in over 1-2 years.

    Dinnae do it, man. ( Us Scots know a thing or three about alchies! ) Goddamn Guinness got rid of my slim belly and with current meds, I'm limiting m'self to one can every two weeks, or so. Could do with a wee dram o' whisky though. ;) [No single malt left in the house, for a while. Boo.]

    Thanked by (2)bdl stevewatson301

    lowendinfo.com had no interest.

  • edited August 2022

    @AlwaysSkint said: FrankZ should perhaps take the same stance as me, with (no) regards to OGF i.e. monitor but don't comment etc. just saying.

    I've been mostly staying away from commenting at the OGF, other than trying to help folks out, for a while now. As @Fat32 has always had my respect, I was trying to be part of the solution, instead of just not being part of the problem. He also seems to be very quiet these days, outside of the Mega Threads at the OGF, so maybe your right and it's time I start thinking about what to do next.

    Certainement qui est en droit de vous rendre absurde, est en droit de vous rendre injuste - Voltaire

  • @FrankZ said:
    I've been mostly staying away from commenting at the OGF, other than trying to help folks out, for a while now. As @Fat32 has always had my respect, I was trying to be part of the solution, instead of just not being part of the problem. He also seems to be very quiet these days, outside of the Mega Threads at the OGF, so maybe your right and it's time I start thinking about what to do next.

    Thanks FrankZ, I have seen you helping out in the thread a lot for people that are having issues with VirMach. You are amazing :)

    For myself, I start to think about my life more... probably having my third/quarter-life crisis now

    "Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay

  • vyasvyas OGContent Writer

    @FAT32 said:

    @FrankZ said:
    I've been mostly staying away from commenting at the OGF, other than trying to help folks out, for a while now. As @Fat32 has always had my respect, I was trying to be part of the solution, instead of just not being part of the problem. He also seems to be very quiet these days, outside of the Mega Threads at the OGF, so maybe your right and it's time I start thinking about what to do next.

    Thanks FrankZ, I have seen you helping out in the thread a lot for people that are having issues with VirMach. You are amazing :)

    For myself, I start to think about my life more... probably having my third/quarter-life crisis now

    In other words Dino 🦕 spouse snapped at you for spending too much time at the green forums. :-)

    Thanked by (2)FAT32 bdl

    VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.

  • Tbh, my view from here is 100% respect for VirMach. I'd love to help them as best I can.

    OGF presents a different picture, but that's OGF.

  • I mean weren't you guys curious that RackNerd sponsored a giveaway after months of being quiet? ^.-

  • @Jab said:
    I mean weren't you guys curious that RackNerd sponsored a giveaway after months of being quiet? ^.-

    A cynical person might assume that it was a celebration due to a bunch of super cheap servers being dumped on him

  • @cybertech said:

    @FrankZ said:
    Seems LET/LEB has gone completely vindictive on VirMach.
    I can understand why he is not posting there right now.

    fucking dog. nothing said about racknerdtalk.

    Reminded me of a Hindi idiom, which seems apt about that post on LEB and people talking shit.

    कुत्ते भौंकते रहते हैं और हाथी चलता जाता है.

    Translation: Dogs keep on barking (talk shit) while the elephant keeps on moving ahead (makes progress towards success).

    @vyas could create a podcast/gaatha on this whole episode as a case study when the elephant (VirMach) reaches its destination successfully.

    Thanked by (3)vyas FrankZ VirMach
  • Just to throw some of that LET flavor here.


    Thanked by (2)vyas dedicados
  • hope my dedi server come back soon =(

  • @tetech said: Management (on left) -> VPS control panel -> Manage -> Network

    No Virtual Servers Found


  • vyasvyas OGContent Writer

    @dedicados said:

    @tetech said: Management (on left) -> VPS control panel -> Manage -> Network

    No Virtual Servers Found


    404 Server not found

    VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.

  • i have been told data can't be recovered,rip,now i knows the importance of backup
    but thankfully I have a small backup of my main project,now my "business that worth million" are working again

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    Oh god, lol, that title is enough for me not to click it.

    Thanked by (2)tototo FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @MikePT said:
    @VirMach I have sent you a message in Skype. I will help you sort the millions of tickets free of charge after my shifts end every day.

    I'm so sorry to hear these news. You really don't deserve all this.

    Skype broke itself on my main computer for a while and I haven't cared to fix it. Basically it tried doing a force update that I promptly closed out of and that might've corrupted it. I'll try to reach out soon, thanks for the offer. Of course we're not interested in infinite free labor but could probably use (paid) help.

    Thanked by (2)MikePT adly
  • @VirMach said:

    Oh god, lol, that title is enough for me not to click it.

    Yeah, raindog took some flack in the other thread about it but still seems to not see a problem with it and or even the fact that they are ignoring any issues with racknerd at the same time as they are doing those type of posts. (at least last I looked, I kind of got disgusted and stopped reading it)

    Pretty shady & sad.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @AlwaysSkint said:

    @VirMach said: I can't wait until I can go back to being an alcoholic. I haven't been able to have a serious drink in over 1-2 years.

    Dinnae do it, man. ( Us Scots know a thing or three about alchies! ) Goddamn Guinness got rid of my slim belly and with current meds, I'm limiting m'self to one can every two weeks, or so. Could do with a wee dram o' whisky though. ;) [No single malt left in the house, for a while. Boo.]

    The last time I tried having a serious drink, something broke and I felt helpless. The other few times I guess I'm getting old but it just made me want to go to sleep after just one or two drinks and we can't have that :)

    Fun fact about Guinness, I had a friend come over from Ireland and nearly spit it out. Apparently our "Guinness" here in the US is watered down and the "Guinness Extra Stout" is just what they have as regular Guinness there. Not sure how it is in other parts of the world but it's pretty funny they had to tone down the flavor for the US market.

    @Daevien said:

    @Jab said:
    I mean weren't you guys curious that RackNerd sponsored a giveaway after months of being quiet? ^.-

    A cynical person might assume that it was a celebration due to a bunch of super cheap servers being dumped on him

    Incoming cheap E3 servers. That's actually how we originally got ours, I assume, as they had them by the hundreds and frantically trying to give them away in bulk. I believe it was closely timed with a few summer hosts going out of business.

    @Jab said:
    Just to throw some of that LET flavor here.


    I'm assuming you're one of the unlucky few caught in the crossfires on the last few nodes. I delegates these moves to someone else but it looks like he missed at least one or two due to some miscommunication. I'm trying to pick up where he left off to finalize it.

    @taizi said:
    i have been told data can't be recovered,rip,now i knows the importance of backup
    but thankfully I have a small backup of my main project,now my "business that worth million" are working again

    Truly sorry to hear that. I just wish they were in any way reasonable with their actions and I still regret not doing something about it a few days sooner. Not that we knew it would happen when it did or how it did, but we were already in the process of acquiring servers from our new partner just in case, a few days before it happened and we were just about to send out communication a few days earlier but ran into issues with some of the Chicago deployments that we were focusing on instead.

    The original plan was to continue paying for them as we had been doing and pay for two sets of servers for a few months for a smoother transition.

    @dedicados said:
    hope my dedi server come back soon =(

    I was actually thinking of you specifically when it happened since you had a close call with the previous termination situation that I helped you out with, I just hope you finally got some backups in.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @VirMach said:

    @MikePT said:
    @VirMach I have sent you a message in Skype. I will help you sort the millions of tickets free of charge after my shifts end every day.

    I'm so sorry to hear these news. You really don't deserve all this.

    Skype broke itself on my main computer for a while and I haven't cared to fix it. Basically it tried doing a force update that I promptly closed out of and that might've corrupted it. I'll try to reach out soon, thanks for the offer. Of course we're not interested in infinite free labor but could probably use (paid) help.

    I'm sure you gents will be able to work things out.

    Looking forward to positive outcomes :+1:

    For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars!
    Looking for cost-effective Managed/Anycast/DDoS-Protected/Geo DNS Services? Try ClouDNS (aff).

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @Daevien said:

    @VirMach said:

    Oh god, lol, that title is enough for me not to click it.

    Yeah, raindog took some flack in the other thread about it but still seems to not see a problem with it and or even the fact that they are ignoring any issues with racknerd at the same time as they are doing those type of posts. (at least last I looked, I kind of got disgusted and stopped reading it)

    Pretty shady & sad.

    I remember Raindog interviewed us for his "Chia/Crypto is skyrocketing hardware pricing. The end is nigh" post but we essentially disagreed with that narrative and found it respectful that he still published our view.


    In his defense, I don't think it was meant to be a hit piece but rather what I assume (based on the title, I didn't actually read it) to be a poorly researched "hot" topic meant to drive quick and easy views to the website, an attempt at trying to remain "relevant." As for RN, perhaps he was specifically prohibited from making any comments. That tends to happen, even on mainstream news sites. For example, you probably won't find any Jeff Bezos related scandals on the Washington post, I assume.

    Here's my philosophy on negative press: I like it because it helps ignorant customers stay away. It's mutually beneficial.

    I used to probably be part of that segment of customers. I used to look at reviews and unless something was rated 4.5/5, I stayed away, but the more I learned, I realized that a 3/5 product could end up working much better for me as long as I'm part of the 60%~ of people that it worked out great for and that just meant I had to do more research. Since then, there's been so many products, restaurants, hotels, and more that I've purchased and thoroughly enjoyed and I find that the products that do receive blindly stellar reviews have a host of problems or just don't fit my use case, often at much higher prices as a result.

    Thanked by (2)bdl FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited August 2022

    New website is up. There's going to be SSL issues and a lot of placeholder content on the new theme. It looks pretty generic but I figured after years of me trolling on the design and making it progressively "unique" which others may call hideous, it probably actually reached a point of hurting sales when our website was on a light blue background that pierced the eyes with eye-watering red as the main Ryzen-themed splash. So it's good to be "normal" looking again.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    Dedicated servers update.

    We received a mixed bag of locations and specifications which will help us meet more specific requirements. I've noticed a lot of people setting their "minimum requirements" extremely high, with some people saying they want 2x1TB SSD and Ryzen processor, which is fine, but please understand that by default means a long wait.

    I've provisioned a good number of them with many more still on the queue and being worked through.

    The module for basic functions is still broken so that means no boot/reboot functionality but you can put in a ticket for that for the time being.

    Thanked by (1)bakageta
  • @VirMach said:
    New website is up. There's going to be SSL issues and a lot of placeholder content on the new theme. It looks pretty generic but I figured after years of me trolling on the design and making it progressively "unique" which others may call hideous, it probably actually reached a point of hurting sales when our website was on a light blue background that pierced the eyes with eye-watering red as the main Ryzen-themed splash. So it's good to be "normal" looking again.

    Oh no, this page no longer works :(


    Thanked by (2)FrankZ someTom

    "Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay

  • JabJab
    edited August 2022

    Please... white background for the logo. I know it sounds crazy (background!??!), but this is not readable :P


    Missing slash after .com on pricing_image.png and (probably) missing httpS on info-img-2.png, both returns 404 and slows shit down.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King
    edited August 2022

    @VirMach said:
    New website is up. There's going to be SSL issues and a lot of placeholder content on the new theme. It looks pretty generic but I figured after years of me trolling on the design and making it progressively "unique" which others may call hideous, it probably actually reached a point of hurting sales when our website was on a light blue background that pierced the eyes with eye-watering red as the main Ryzen-themed splash. So it's good to be "normal" looking again.

    yes it was hideous to the point i only visit client portal. now looking great really

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • edited August 2022

    @VirMach said:
    New website is up. There's going to be SSL issues and a lot of placeholder content on the new theme. It looks pretty generic but I figured after years of me trolling on the design and making it progressively "unique" which others may call hideous, it probably actually reached a point of hurting sales when our website was on a light blue background that pierced the eyes with eye-watering red as the main Ryzen-themed splash. So it's good to be "normal" looking again.

    At least this downtime had one good thing come out of it, new site looks great! I love the datacenter map.


    Might want to change the copyright at the bottom though :)

  • Oh no... the logo for the mobile view is quite bad...

    Anyway, in all seriousness, if you considering getting a web dev, please contact me on Discord, happy to provide help.

    Thanked by (1)adly

    "Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    seems like Gen 4 NVMe really helps with IO performance as well

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

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