No it's like @vyas said - they're probably preparing to sell (by offloading the low-end paying clients so their books look more attractive).
"FREE Cybersecurity Audit" LOL. What makes them qualified to provide security audits to their client's websites?! :lol:
It'll be blocked, or it certainly should be. The American guy that actually handed over all the US military documents, or rather the lady, Chelsea Manning got a commuted sentence/presidential pardon. Yet they want to persecute the Australian guy that published the documents? Yeah, that'll go down like a led balloon over…
Not hosting, but you can get Techdirt Mugs.
Yeah he is, and this post on their forum is interesting: Hestia is a fork of Vesta Control Panel like myVesta, and from the demo anyway (and just a quick read of the forum) it's extremely basic and bare-bones. The interface doesn't even run from its own webserver, it runs PHP from an NGINX server. That choice alone puts…
Could you explain why you're recommending Keyhelp please? Just looking into the current state of Virtualmin compatibility for you - Alma/Rocky look like they're getting fully supported soon (you could use a free RHEL license though instead). Nginx yes. PHP 8.1 & Mariadb 10.7 - not provided by their repos, they both come…
That's because they don't build PHP for you, you're relying on the system's repository which by default is the one provided by the OS - as an example RHEL 9 provides 8.0 currently. If you want 8.1 you need to add a 3rd-party repo or build it yourself. For RHEL/CentOS/Rocky/Alma/Fedora you can use Remi's one, and for…
It's in their knowledgebase here. Yes for cPanel, but DirectAdmin Mike would need to clarify.
Looks like Steve's request is also on the blue forum: Emails from 30 websites - @stevewatson301 you're going to need a provider that is set up for that. Jeez that was a quick decision! Space is obviously the next limitation, but it would take a very large website to hit the limits on modern shared servers.
What Mike said. Shared servers have all the wizbang software that noobs/average webmasters with no technical ability require. Sadly these days most host come up with dumb arbitrary limitations (the real limitations on a shared hot are CPU, RAM, and I/O not how many domains/subdomains or MySQL databases you have).
Yeah just looking at the documentation: "Requirements: 2 GB RAM; 20 GB storage; 1 CPU; RHEL/CentOS 7.4+/8+ or CentOS 8 Stream or Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux; Containers are not supported (Virtuozzo, OpenVZ)". The free tier isn't a trial it's a full subscription license offered through the Developer Program to anyone to use up…
You forgot to mention a major alternative: RHEL free tier. Up to 16 production servers, that easily covers most Cent-OS users.
Pfft, the "offers" topic is literally for advertising. You mean paid ads. ;)
Their Vanilla is buggy too. I would have thought they should either fix their software or migrate to better software before charging people to be there (comments I made in their thread). Hello. I recognise you with your old-school .net domain name! Believe in the end friend.