PHP-Friends Black Friday Offer: Intel Xeon E5 v3 / v4 4 dedicated cores 16GB RAM 100GB SSD 20TB Traffic 9.99 eur/month again a yearly commitment
I have 2 of the Avoro 2020 new year special, which I'm willing to transfer (if Avoro allows transfers). Fun fact: I have these because you shared the offer a long, long time ago =) Both of these come with two dedicated cores instead of one because of a configuration error Avoro made, idk if these will survive the transfer.…
I grabbed two of Liteserver's 4GB NVME VPS, mainly for small gameservers for me and friends.
They do... sort of. You can change the domain to .eu after you've selected a product, which will partially translate the page. For a full translation you are better off using something like google translate.