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Member, OG


  • Calculated to a thousandth of a euro, wow :) In practice, it would better to round down, so € 1.74 and € 0.44, respectively (You rounded down for the first plan: € 4.49 / month) If you round up to € 1.75 and € 0.45, respectively, the discount will be a bit less than 50%, so better for it to be a bit more than 50% :)
  • Probably many of us are in a similar psychological boat: * We have one or more good deals on VPSes that we're reluctant to give up because it's not clear when such deals will appear again (especially in the present economic context!) * There's often also a psychological element of wanting to support certain providers, the…
    in Idling VPS Comment by angstrom July 2022
  • Wow, I guess that you really want to make us all feel bad/guilty for having an idling VPS! :#
    in Idling VPS Comment by angstrom July 2022
  • If I may say so, I'm inclined to think that it's better if a mod has a mod tag so that they can be (easily) recognized I never really understood the rationale for an admin with an admin tag but for a mod without a mod tag
  • Hi @Mason , I may have this wrong, but weren't there a couple of "plainclothes moderators" around here? Meaning that they were disguised as civilians (no Moderator tag). I think that @Ympker said that he was such a plainclothes moderator. Are these plainclothes moderators still around? Or do I have this wrong?
  • I'm not a big user of shared hosting, but I thought that I'd put in a good word for Limitless Hosting, who even have a sale at the moment: https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/4221/limitless-hosting-now-supports-nodejs-python-on-shared-hosting-flat-40-on-shared-reseller (I have a shared hosting plan with them at their…
  • That Porkbun mug is quite nice :) Once or twice a year, netcup offer a mug for sale, and I managed to get one at their Easter sale in April: https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/87983#Comment_87983 (Unfortunately, they don't ship outside of the EU)

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