** FLASH SALE ** 8GB RAM, 4CPU, 150 GB NVMe, KVM - 65€/year * 4 CPU Core (EPYC 7763) FUP * 8 GB RAM * 150 GB NVMe (Raid 10) * 20 TB Traffic * 1 Gbps port speed * 1 IPv4 * /64 IPv6 * Location: Dronten, The Netherlands * Quantity: <10 * €65/yr (+VAT if applicable) Promo code: 5VEU74M7ET Order now!
The AMD EPYC 7763 node
** FLASH SALE ** 8GB RAM, 4CPU, 160 GB SSD, KVM - 40€/year * 4 CPU Core (EPYC 7351) FUP * 8 GB RAM * 160 GB SSD (Raid 10) * 10 TB Traffic * 1 Gbps port speed * 1 IPv4 * /64 IPv6 * Location: Dronten, The Netherlands * Quantity: 5 * €40/yr (+VAT if applicable) Promo code: 15XDTTD4RO Order now!
** FLASH SALE ** 8GB RAM, 4CPU, 150 GB NVMe, KVM - 65€/year * 4 CPU Core (EPYC 7763) FUP * 8 GB RAM * 150 GB NVMe (Raid 10) * 20 TB Traffic * 1 Gbps port speed * 1 IPv4 * /64 IPv6 * Location: Dronten, The Netherlands * Quantity: 10 * €65/yr (+VAT if applicable) Promo code: 5VEU74M7ET Order now!
** FLASH SALE ** 4GB RAM, 2CPU, 90 GB NVMe, KVM - 40€/year * 2 CPU Core (EPYC 7763) FUP * 4 GB RAM * 90 GB NVMe (Raid 10) * 12 TB Traffic * 1 Gbps port speed * 1 IPv4 * /64 IPv6 * Location: Dronten, The Netherlands * Quantity: 10 * €40/yr (+VAT if applicable) Promo code: Y07FC5RDO8 Order now!
Flash Sale Specifications * 4 CPU Core (AMD EPYC 7763) * 8GB RAM * 150GB NVMe * 20TB Traffic @ 1Gbps * 1 IPv4 * /64 IPv6 * Location: Dronten, The Netherlands * Quantity: 10 * Promo code: YOIJ9V29QY * €65/yr
Yes, at 18€/year
Yes, as long as we have availability...
Single Core | 1071
I hope the new hardware comes in om time...
Sorry, we have sold out for now...
Good luck!
What are you looking for?
FLASH SALE - 6GB NVMe VPS - 45 €/year recurring * 6 GB RAM * 3 CPU Cores (AMD EPYC 7452) * 90 GB NVMe * 15 TB Traffic * 1 Gbps port speed * 1 IPv4 * /64 IPv6 * KVM * Dronten - The Netherlands 45 €/year (+vat if applicable) Coupon Code: 1IYRSF6Y1Z Quantity: 10 (First to pay will get the VPS) ORDER HERE
We could offer this, we're located in The Netherlands! What's your budget?
Seems dead around here...
FLASH SALE - 8GB NVMe VPS - 60 €/year * 8 GB RAM * 4 CPU Cores (AMD EPYC 7452) * 120 GB NVMe * 20 TB Traffic * 1 Gbps port speed * 1 IPv4 * /64 IPv6 * KVM * Dronten - The Netherlands 60 €/year (+vat if applicable) Coupon Code: VF2G0J5VJW Quantity: 10 (First to pay will get the VPS) ORDER HERE
What kind of offers are you waiting for?
We all like to dream :)
No, maybe in the future....
SSD, no NVMe
You should be able to order again
Six people ordering and not paying... The product is out of stock (white screen)... Will cancel some of the orders if payment doesn't come in soon.... Really sorry
FLASH SALE 48€/year (+tax if applicable) * 8 GB RAM * 4 CPU Cores (AMD EPYC 7351) * 160 GB SSD * 5 TB Traffic * 1 Gbps port speed * 1 IPv4 * /64 IPv6 * KVM Coupon Code: UR9XE1G21N Quantity: 8 ORDER HERE
I can't guarantee that...
Why resist!
As a company we have been in business since 2003 and our main focus is on our highend clients. But we also like to cater to you, the lowend clients. All our servers are owned and we are a RIPE member (we have a /22 and 4 /24 IP space). Check out our NL super fast pure NVMe VMs All orders include: * AMD EPYC 7452 * IPv4 +…
We still resell MailChannels at great prices:
I wouldn't wait to long as it will end soon...
@ALL we will start provisioning the pre-orders this Saturday the 27th off February!
Did Supermicro contact you already? No they haven't, their communication has been subpar. We're working on another solution by employing our "backup/emergency" node which has the same setup. We're now waiting for delivery of the drives we ordered last Thursday in Germany. We hope we will receive the NVMe drives this week.…
We have made all changes, UK clients shouldn't be charged VAT anymore!
Nope... NVMe drives in Raid 10!
Today I have received the final answer. We don't have to apply VAT to UK customers. We will now need to make some changes to our accounting integration before we can activate it on the order page. I hope we will have everything up and running in the next 1-2 weeks max.
How can we do the payment in a secure way where you get your money and I get my license? Do you have proof of Litespeed that the license can be transferred? Please PM me
@SolidHost The problem you're not selling is because you have a recently created account with nothing else then this post... So no trust
No, we don't offer nested virtualization...
This is already the flash price... You're incorrigible...