Could you please check ticket > @mikho said: Good to know that LV will be replaced by LA.
Could you please check ticket #734202?
Any new location for New Year?
Christmas gone.
Merry Christmas!
@mikho 1. I bought BF bundle before, they are really good. The Seattle location was not included in the BF bundle. I have opened a ticket (#73420) a day ago requesting a bundle topup, could you update the invoice so I can pay it. 2. I think US-LAS node is down, not sure if it is a known issue.
I bought a USA bundle, they are pretty good. I got a small problem with my US-NY node nat vps: the ipv4 with that vps is fine, but the ipv6 is not working. I have submitted a ticket(#252582) for this but no respose for 3 days.