Well for first shared hosting provider it was SixServe(it was free) *copied from trk but i cound't say it any way diffrent other than that @SSDBlaze got me into the vps world. first dedi was from someone private.
any compensation for people that are single?
just visiting to look for entertainment.
here you get the fruit not the peel.
- bored
General Debian For small specs servers I like centos.
i came here for the spirits where to buy?.
@SSDBlaze. Running solid since. If i wouldn't have reinstalled so much my vps would have years of uptime.
Bumping this tread as offer is still valid. Feel free to remove this message if it's not allowed.
i have a low end spirit :+1:
remain realistic. i give a soft limit that at-least has to be exceeded. and when it does i might add another 100mb depending on how you use the space.
* i provide as much as i think the server can handle.
* 100MB disk (soft limit).
how to claim? oop i'm a blind idiot with no eyes
sushi :3
tbh i liked th dark mode.
looks good boss