From a dedicated ipv4 vps to NAT ip or ivp6
You may want to install nginx on another vps then proxy to this storage vps
At least they tried to deliver on time. Virmach expects us to wait 1-2 years for the storage vps
I think that you need spend more time on system design. For a large number of data, it will take too much time for a single machine to process. Therefore, it makes more sense to use multiple machines and process them in parallel. If I was you, I will store all images in a object storage (Backblaze S3) with Cloudflare CDN…
I don't think that it will be any problem. However, you can get a VPS with dedicated cores so you can run image processing for a long time without being suspended by the provider. There are many dedicated vps providers such as php-friends, hetzner VDS, server-factory for $5-10 per month For example, a deal on LES at the…
I have just installed netdata agent to all my K8s clusters. Very detailed information on both node-level and pod-level. The network on each node only costs about a few hundred years KB/s (much less than my Prometheus node exporter setup a few MB/s). netdata.cloud is free to use with unlimited nodes and the agent is also…
I haven't used it but it seems that they offer Open source agents on nodes. There are also agents for Kubernetes clusters. Besides, they can also export to Prometheus as an external backend. Look very promising. I will try to use agent + Prometheus as I want to self-host but using their panel should be fine (free)
I used their Edge Rules on Bunny CDN Pull Zone with the country of IP in header. However, they look up the sender IP from a IP database so it may lead to incorrect routing. For example, testing the TTFB on KeyCDN website or Speedvitals.com will have incorrect results because the IP location of the test servers in Bunny…
I used a spare domain on Google Cloud DNS and setup a geo routing with 1 month TTL. Then I proxy my original domain on Cloudflare to the spare domain on Cloud DNS. It gives me the ability to route Cloudflare to the nearest region. And the TTL 1 month in Google gives me minimum charges per month (under $1 per month).…