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  • Yes, no problems with Debian/Ubuntu :smile:
  • Do you have any problems with it? As resource limits is a finished feature.
  • There are multiple options: 1) You may set it before the installation (https://docs.directadmin.com/getting-started/installation/overview#running-the-installation-with-predefined-options), in your case: export mysql_inst=mysql export mysql=5.6 2) You may re-install it after installation:…
  • I've checked their docs. First differences that I've noticed: 1) DA has full support for LiteSpeed (Quote from their doc: "Cgroups Manager cannot limit the resources Plesk extensions and custom manually installed services consume. This is true for all Plesk extensions: LiteSpeed is no exception."). 2) DA supports the…
  • Cgroup v2. I may be wrong, but I don't think other panels have v2 used there (thus the implementation is quite different). It actually throttles you, instead of killing the processes with OOM (out-of-memory) error when they reach RAM limit, for example.
  • These features are in pre-release, other Pro Pack features are reserved for future releases: * Python/Java/Ruby/Perl support using Nginx Unit * Additional features for Nginx (automatic CMS templates, WordPress+FastCGI cache support). Ability to select standalone nginx for any of the domains. * Ability to throttle resources…
  • What do you think about the navigation method? With menu unpinned by default and the need to hover anywhere on the left bar to open the menu. It was some kind of experiment, and the place that might (or might not) need to be changed.
  • FYI: With pre-release and retail Standard/Lite licenses when Nginx+Apache is installed, you may select pure (standalone) Nginx for any of the domains, and enable WordPress URL rewrites with FastCGI cache (just install nginx cache plugin for WordPress after). It also has URL rewrite selections for many other CMS.
  • It's there now in pre-release.
  • Do you have lots of directories and content inside? I think that server has 'directory size count' enabled, that's why it's slow :smile: Just try turning it off and it should become fast then.
  • Likely quotas disabled on your VPS/server :) https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=42
  • https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=284 and "/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin c" would list them. New documentation system is in works, it should include more detailed information.
  • Miguel is awesome! He helped us to find the culprit :) Backend didn't compress JSON output there, and if network speed is slow, it takes time to download the list. It has been fixed in pre-release.
  • Template (for apache): /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/virtual_host2*.conf You may use custom pre/post hooks to override it, or, if you need it for a single domain, just follow https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=182.
  • Hehe, this is not something about "animations", and not a result of "transitions". I'd call it a bug/problem. How many users do you list on 1 page? I'd try to reproduce it. Thank you!
  • I don't really know why most of the people call it "animations" and not "transitions" :) When you're here, click any URL on LES, for example home logo, and you'll get a 'white flash' transition. We're open for suggestions if you have something to offer. "specially in the case of file manager" - v2 of it is planned, no ETA…
  • That popup means quotas aren't enabled on your server. https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=557 should fix that.
  • Hehe, it's been discussed many times. Doesn't the "white flash" at LES "suck"? :) If it doesn't we can add an option to add this "white flash" effect as the transition and problem would be solved then. If there are other suggestions - they're really welcome. For those who want "no transitions" at all - there is already an…
  • It's there :)
  • DA uses the same port for http/https :) clientdomain:2222 should still work, just throw a certificate warning, and you could simply use ssl_redirect_host for redirects (https://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=801).
  • It's planned for the beginning of the summer, unfortunately, likely not :) All the unfinished features currently show the 'next' version, but it doesn't mean it'll be included.
  • I'm here, checking the thread from time to time :) @exp3 Just click "rename" checkbox next to the package name when editing, and it will let you rename it then.
  • I had this created for that: https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=2097. Can be used on any non-DA environment as well, just modify "/home//domains//*_html/" path there to fit your control panel.
  • Hm.. What was the ticket ID? :)
  • I think it failed to add the domain, likely due to custom scripts? Anything in /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom ? Wildcard certificate needs DNS validation, meaning DNS must be controlled on the same DA server. Otherwise non-wildcard is the only option :)
  • I guess you're running PHP-FPM? That way you'd need to reload/restart PHP-FPM service for the settings to take effect :) If you're running CloudLinux - please don't forget PHP is in CageFS, so, "cagefsctl --force-update" might be the answer.

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