Okay, I have got a vpn up and running, sort of. It's very slow and I have used one of those location websites to find out where I'm "located". Don't fall off your chair, the oval office was not exactly what I had in mind. Well, at least I will be troubleshooting the lack of speed tomorrow. Sleep well. ;)
Yeah, see you at the pub. :) I still had to check "Enable tun/tap" in control panel although it seemed like tun/tap was enabled on the vps when it was not (enabled in the control panel. Seems a little buggy.
Maybe, but after struggling for a while with this, I gave up and asked here and now it's working. So problem solved. :)
Thanks. It was/is enabled. I have got it working. Now "Enable Tun/Tap" is unchecked in control panel, but is enabled on the vps. That's a little confusing. It seems the feature breaks when reinstalling the vps with the option checked.
NY (is this the correct answer?).
It seems I need more help. I have enabled tun/tap in the control panel but when running Nyr's install script I get the following error: Any hints on how to resolve this problem?
Yes, it's working. I'm still not sure though why there is a interface where it's possible to configure "tcp-protocol" from source port on the "public ip" to any of the "allowed destination" ports on the "destination ip" (vps ip). If working it would help keeping things neat and tidy with identical (local) ports on more/all…
I probably didn't read that correct.
Thank you. In other words: A knowledge article about this is needed.
Here is my config. I can't see anything wrong.
I don't understand how it can be working for you and not me. Are you using "Protocol TCP" in domain forwarding (and not HTTP or HTTPS)?
Which os-images are you using?
Edit: Never mind. Didn't read correct.
Thank you. I am using the suggested ports from the calculator. It's not working. It is suggested in second post that the following must be enabled: of which I can confirm that /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables is not enabled. If this is the problem, why is it not enabled ny default? I tried to enable it in the…
I want to use it without a domain. Also, I want a second one, and a third (without a proxy).
I did check the ports calculator before setting up the forwarding. I know which ports I can use (assigned to me). It seems that something must be manually configured by Webhorizon so that /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables ends up as 1 instead of 0. I tried to fix it myself in /etc/sysctl.conf, but it broke the…
Protocol TCP and destination port 80 does not work. When looking at the domain forwarding and click "!", I get the following information: I would then expect to be able to configure one of "my" 20 ports using the tcp option under protocol to any of the following ports and get it working:…
Thank you. I have Where can I read your article?