Tetahost Free DirectAdmin NVMe Shared Web Hosting in France or Germany
Since we had our first birthday a few days ago we want to offer 200 free DirectAdmin shared packages. You can choose from 2 locations (Germany or France)
Free package includes
- 1 GB NVMe storage
- 100 GB bandwidth
- daily backups
- free SSL certificate
- 3 databases
- 3 hosted domains
- 10 e-mail addresses
- CloudLinux
- free Softaculous
Order in France Order in Germany
Please note that all orders are manually checked, we accept only one order per customer.
Enjoy them!
https://tetahost.com/ - Cheap Shared DirectAdmin Hosting
https://tetahost.com/web-hosting - Free Web Hosting available
https://tetahost.com/cloud-vps - Cheap KVM Cloud VPS
Thanked by (13)Ganonk ehab InceptionHosting nhocconan vyas DavidEredics bdl sonic t0m Asim ktoan Andrews pepa65
Congrats Sir ?
nice one, hell of a way to land here
popped in must-see deal section.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Happy birthday and thank you for the sweet freebie :-)
Thanks for the freebie
Happy Birthday! Here is to many more to come..!