Tools to manage servers
As the title goes, what tools do ya all use to manage the servers and idlers (windows/ linux)?
Free/ paid
Hosted / selfhosted
Do you do it on your own or outsource the management?
Anything interesting to look out for during black Friday?
Saw this the other day, never tried it.
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I got it on sale for $1 or something. Breezy read.
MobaXtreme to manage the fleet of servers
Artnet - Poland (Gdańsk) based instant setup express dedicated servers & cloud VPS - Find VPS in exotic locations!
puppet or ansible is the way to go, they are also free, puppet is more suitable if you have them behind firewalls and also provides better feedback, ansible is easier to setup and is agentless so you just have one thing to manage on your side, with puppet you need an agent on each server you manage
I lock down most of my fleet to whitelist incoming ssh only from select jump hosts. Ansible helps keep the attack surface small, no new ports opened besides ssh.
I have played around with puppet, chef, and salt stack, though; much respect to them.
Ansible for configuration management and Termius for SSH sessions. MRemote for Windows RDP sessions.
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I use ansible for config management, and Remote Desktop Manager for shared (ssh/rdp) sessions. Remote Desktop Manager allows use of a database for its session storage, so you can share it across multiple computers / people. Has been working great with roles setup for 4 teams so far with 3 teams only seeing their own servers, and the 4th team having god mode.
Ansible can be used with both windows and linux (and network devices if you have the right types).
We also use Ansible AWX (Ansible Tower) for different things (callback locations to kick off scripts after provisioning, scheduled tasks, inventory control).
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Prettier than mRemoteNG. Can the config file be synced between multiple devices?
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Is there a tool that lets you manage multiple vps from multiple vendors?
The all seeing eye sees everything...
Ehhhh I'd be scared of them installing an SQL server on each node or something.
Virtualizor makes some very...unique choices.
for personal fleet of less then ten servers - plain ssh
haven't regretted it yet
So glad someone else mentioned this as iv used this for some time now and genuinely love it, Used to use putty but after I tested this I was hooked the only issue is now the millions of tabs I open haha
"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear…"
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things"