Is there an easy way to get the permalink for LES comments?

Not_OlesNot_Oles Retired

Hi everyone!

Lots of stuff said here on LES strikes me as interesting and valuable. So I want to keep a list of notes, quotes, and permalinks.

Taking as an example a random a comment by @vyas, since whatever @vyas says always is automagically interesting, please consider this permalink: This example permalink seems to work here in that at the top of the rendered page there appears approximately the beginning of the comment where @vuas says, pithily, "I found most tools to be highly subjective."

I got the example permalink by looking at the source code for the thread containing the example comment. The link for the thread (at page 6) seems to be: .

Lines 563 and 564 of the source code for the thread link seem to say something like:

<span class="MItem DateCreated">
<a href="/discussion/comment/30632/#Comment_30632" class="Permalink" name="Item_159" rel="nofollow"><time title="June 13, 2020 7:23AM" datetime="2020-06-13T14:23:53+00:00">June 13</time></a> </span>

I took "" and added "/discussion/comment/30632/#Comment_30632".

An alternate method of getting the permalink in Chrome browser on a Chromebook might be: hover the mouse above the Quote link at the bottom left of the comment, right click, and select "Copy link address." The link is . So I guess one might take a base of "" And then substitute "30632" for both occurrences of "XXXXX". I guess this might avoid all the fun of looking at the source code.

But, there has to be an easier way to get the permalink, right? Some really, really simple way? Click here, there? Right click here, there? Link automatically copied to clipboard buffer?

If there's no super easy way to get a permalink, would the methods I mentioned work throughout LES? Even in, say, the Cest Pit? I suppose I ought to go look at the source there, but diving into that particular page's source seems asking a lot. . . .

Hope everyone's enjoying a great day! Thanks!

Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
The website runs very speedily on! Thanks to @Neoon!

Thanked by (3)vimalware vyas jureve


  • MasonMason AdministratorOG

    All you gotta do to get the permalink to a comment is copy the link stored in the date/time link under the poster's name -

    Links to discussions won't have all the "/comment/*" part of the URL to it, but you can slap a "/p1" on the end of it to ensure the link goes to the first page in case the thread goes beyond a single page.

    Humble janitor of LES
    Proud papa of YABS

  • The "timestamp" of each comment has a permalink to the comment/post itself (which is the "source code" part you found).

    Unless I misunderstood, you can just right-click on the timestamp (e.g. "June 13", but the timestamp is more relative if it's a recent comment) right below the username of the comment author and it should give you the permalink to the comment.
    That link will link directly to the comment, regardless of what page the comment is on.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles


    Discord: Decicus#0001

  • edited June 2020

    The timestamp element contains the permalink, as two have pointed out. It took me a year+ to figure it out myself ?.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • FAT32FAT32 OG
    edited June 2020

    The timestamp contains permalink happens quite common in the industry - Facebook and Twitter posts are using the same convention as well.

    There's a new way called "text fragment" but it is still very new and not many browsers support it. Google search integrated this feature in their system.

    To test out how it works, you can try clicking this link in a new tab:'s a new way called "text fragment" but it is still very new

    "Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay

  • @Mason, @Decicus, @vimalware, @FAT32

    Wow! Thanks guys! I thought there had to be an easy way. And I was looking directly at the answer in the source code but didn't realize it. I've written html with relative links, but I just didn't grok this one. So, yeah, position cursor over the date, Alt-click, select Copy link address, paste wherever.

    @FAT32 Tried the text fragment. Worked here (Chrome 81) with the referenced text highlighted. Looked at caniuse. Interesting! Thanks!

    Thanked by (2)FAT32 jureve

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The website runs very speedily on! Thanks to @Neoon!

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