Ants birthday special offers

InceptionHostingInceptionHosting Hosting ProviderOG
edited August 2020 in Offers

Sorry it is late, its been a hell of a day :( but I did say I would post something.

Imagination lacking due to a stressful day since 7am and it being ridiculously hot today but here goes:

Phoenix USA - Storage KVM

  • 1 CPU Core (1/2 core dedicated)
  • 1 GB Ram
  • 500 GB Disk space
  • 1 TB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared - unmetered inbound)
  • 1 IPv4 address

Order Link:
Coupon Code: star-wars-a-new-hope

Regular Price: €25.00 /year
Price €20.00 /year

London UK - KVM SSD Cached

  • 4 CPU Cores (Equal Share)
  • 2 GB Ram
  • 40 GB Disk space
  • 2000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
  • 1 x IPv4 address
  • 1 x /64 IPv6

Order link:
Coupon Code: the-goonies

Regular Price: €60.00 /year
Price: €30.00 /year

London UK - KVM Pure SSD

  • 1 CPU Core (Equal Share)
  • 512 MB Ram
  • 10 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
  • 1000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
  • 1 x IPv4 address
  • 1 x /64 IPv6
  • Full daily backup

Order Link:
Coupon Code: big-trouble-in-little-china

Regular Price: €2.00 /month
Price: 1.99 /month

Feel free to share far and wide, not LES exclusive but quantities are limited, i will probably expire the promo codes on Monday.

Cheers and thanks for all the happy birthdays :)
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