KVM 4GB DDR4 50GB NVMe 3TB Transfer - 2xAMD EPYC 7302P - £5.4/mo. - WebHorizon

AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG
edited September 2020 in Offers


Two available in singapore & one in new york.
Native ipv6 support, addon dedicated ipv4 for £1.2. It's great value considering these are AMD EPYC CPU's & NVMe's.


  • 2 x vCore EPYC 7302P @ 3.0Ghz
  • 50GB NVMe SSD in Raid-10
  • 3TB Transfer @ 1gbit (softlimit)
  • 1 x IPv6 (Unlimited on request)
  • Optional Dedicated IPv4 for £1.2/mo (create ticket)
  • Available in New York City, US & Singapore

OS Choices:
1. Debian 10
2. Debian 9
3. Ubuntu 20
4. Ubuntu18
5. CentOS 8
6. CentOS 7
Any other OS may be loaded on request.

Looking Glasses:
NYC ?? - http://nyc.lg.webhorizon.in
NL ?? - http://ams.lg.webhorizon.in
SG ?? - http://sgp.lg.webhorizon.in

Uptime Reports: https://status.webhorizon.in

Payment Methods:-

  • PayPal Payments
  • Cards via Stripe Payments
  • BTC payments
  • RazorPay (INR Payments)

Three days refund policy on monthly services.

If you have any doubts or questions, please PM or post here.


Thanked by (3)chocolateshirt miu Ganonk
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