Iniz closing Sweden POP

edited November 2020 in General

Just got this in my inbox.. hot off the press..

Sad news, as my iniz box did quite a good job for a few years.

Hello *******,
We regret to inform you we have decided to close the Sweden location on 15th November, this is partly due to low (new) demand and there are no extreme benefits over our UK/NL location which has excellent connectivity.
As the Extreme/Sweden VPS plans were on a different database we aren't able to offer any direct migrations to our main nodes. We are not able to offer any similar plans.
If you wish to continue using INIZ in our primary locations (London, Amsterdam, Los Angeles or Ashburn) you may wish to check out our new plans below:
OpenVZ VPS: (NL location now includes SSD even on OpenVZ)
Storage VPS:
Action Required

  • Ensure you have taken backups and migrated from your current VPS by 15th November
  • Once above is done, please submit ticket to claim pro-rata refund. If you have migrated to a new plan with INIZ, we can pro-rata extend your new VM.
    Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
    INIZ Management



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