Printing: RGB - CMYK
So, a family member wants to print christmas cards that will most likely be created with the likes of Canva to send to their customers.
I have often read about CMYK colors being important to printing as RGB would result in reduction/quality loss of the colors as many printers can only deal properly with CMYK. We will most likely use an online printing service for this, however the question remains as to how to "make sure" that the png/jpg actually has CMYK colors?
How can I check that or make sure it does have this?
I know that you control spanish really well .this is how to convert them proceso de cambio entre,Modo de color del documento.
If it opens and appears cymk you must not do anything else
Dentistry is my passion
Thanks mate! Yeah, spanish should be no problem at this point
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Dentistry is my passion
PNG doesn't support CMYK. I would usually prefer TIFF for raster CMYK printing, and PDF for vector.
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
If you don't work using CMYK, just let the printing shop correct it for you. They will probably use a better profile than you would do.
I use Pixartprinting myself, and they always converted them perfectly
Thanks for the recommendation, mate! Will check them out I want a foxy sticker like this haha ;D
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Send address and I'll ship